Chapter 38

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A soulmate's purpose is to shake you up,tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life, then introduce you to your spiritual master..." ― Elizabeth Gilbert, "Eat, Pray, Love"

Chapter Thirty Eight


I pour myself a cup of coffee in the later winds of the afternoon. The air is cold and the sunset, which I was lucky enough to observe for the past two days, was something I would definitely crave for back in Chicago. I still have no clue these days passed by of my honeymoon. What seems just yesterday, when I had walked down the aisle with my hand clutched to my father’s, has disappeared in the piling up clot of my memories.

I sit back my phone on the counter, waiting for a certain phone call. I haven’t been able to keep a tab on my work since over two weeks and it’s high time I at least get in touch with them. Since my phone hardly ever gets any network, I wait for it patiently to just work this while.

I sit on one of the chairs attached to the counter and sip my coffee.

The past two days were nothing but off and guarded once we were back from the town side. After the night Liam revealed some stuff about himself, I frankly had no idea how the next morning would go by. Given our past records, I completely expected him to say things which would enrage or break me and thus, we would stop talking. The usual.

But the next morning, it seemed Liam returned to his old self. Not the continuously taunting me or regretting everything which is going on in our lives, but just his normal quiet self. I tried to talk to him about something, hell, I even tried to start a conversation about anything under the sun but he was totally guarded and hardly spoke anything. He got up in the morning and usually locked himself in the bedroom, doing some business as I could hear him time and again, and got out just when the sun was about to set. Our dinner was filled with an occasional nod of the head and sound of the dishes and that’s that.

My days were normally packed with gardening, which he luckily allowed me to do in his clothes but he didn’t even retaliate or something, so that’s what I assumed. These two days were nothing but really very boring because it was just me and my continuously overthinking thought process.

I went over everything Liam said to me again and again that night. He provided some closure to me about his past life, be it merely a bit, but I was glad. Finally glad because at least he was talking. That night he seemed totally vulnerable, almost answering to all of my questions and my heart felt for him. I was ready to comfort him in any way that I could but the problem was, I didn’t exactly know whether I was in the position to comfort him or not.

At this stage I can’t even deny what strange feelings I have for him. I want him to talk to me because I am really desperate just to hear his voice. I want to hold his hand even for sometime, because I was so used to his touches, that the past two days seemed isolated. And the worst past was that he was in the same house, under the same roof and I couldn’t even go talk to him. I am acting like a hormonal teenager and I don’t like it.

The past two days made me realize that I like Liam, God I do like him. But I just don’t have the courage to tell him. Of course he would flip me off, I mean why would he even like me? I just stopped telling myself that I should forget him and continue with this contract marriage just for the sake of it, because it is long gone and I am a goner. The only times both of us actually talked was during the sunset. I smile to myself when I fondly remember our evenings on the beach.

I open the door and step out of the house, the cold wind cascading down my bare legs. I checked for Liam in the bedroom and even knocked at the door, telling him I was talking a walk on the beach. He just said ‘okay’ and went back to whatever he was doing.

The Script (Liam Payne)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora