Chapter 19 - Hospital

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James POV

We seen Connors expression when the Ambulance went passed which we didn't know why.

Until he hurried us all into the taxi.

Connors POV

I knew straight away that was Heidi and I had to hurry everyone into the taxi and get it straight up to the hospital.

10 minutes later we finally reached the hospital.

I gave the money to the taxi driver and ran into the hospital I didn't care where the others where.

I found the front desk.

"Is there someone called Heidi Macdonald?" I said with a tear rolling down my face.

"Let me just check"

"Yes there is I can get someone to take you to her but you won't be able to go in."

"Ok, thank you."

Someone finally came and I followed them.

I asked the doctor what was wrong and they said that she had been hit by a car.

James and everyone else has just got up here.

I didn't want to speak to them.

"What happened to her Con?" James asked.

"She got hit back a car." I said whilst clearing my throat.

The doctor finally came out of the room.

"You may go in and see her but she is asleep just now."

"Can I go in?" I asked whilst everyone agreed.

The doctor led me in and left us.

I sat down on the chair that was next to her bed and took her hand in mine.

"I'm sorry for getting really angry at you and i should've believed you."

"I know how whenever people say I love you and don't mean it and think it's a big thing."

Heidi's POV

After the doctor had left I felt a lot of pain in my leg. It must be broken.

I heard someone come in. It was Connor.

I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep.

I'm sorry for getting really angry at you and i should've believed you."

"I know how whenever people say I love you and don't mean it and think it's a big thing."

"But the thing is I really do Love You."

Little Cafe /Connor Ball/Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang