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Let my perfume, soak into your sweater

Say you'll be here soon, sooner the better

No option for, you saying no

I run this game, just play your role

Follow my lead, what you waiting for

Thought it over and decided tonight is your night.


The kids are back to school, "thank you black Jesus". My school starts next week, so I'm soaking in the free time.


"I don't care if he's my dog. I want you to take him for a walk" I pout, holding Gramz leash out for Van.

Van was incredibly upset, he didn't see through Aunt Sally's phoniness; though I'm sure she actually liked him as a person. Now, the he doesn't want me to be alone.

"Pick that lip up. Why don't you come and walk with us?" Van took the leash.

"Please...". When I bat my eyes, he never says no.

"Bye Reece" he huffed, leaving the house.

"Thank you!" I giggled.

I wanted him gone so I can smoke a joint in peace. I don't want to share, I don't want him watching me, I just want to get high, and act my age for a bit, no judgement.

I'm also smoking, because of all that has happened between us; that one bad night hasn't kicked my ass and said "get the fuck over him".

Fab and the guys found Tori dead, the day after New Years. He downed a whole bottle of pills, and Od'd. Fab told me, Tori has been a wreck since he realized I was spending time with Van. I can't help but feel responsible.

Confession: I cried; like a baby.

He's gone, I will never get to see him again. I hated Toren for what he did, but I couldn't bring myself to stop loving him, and I definitely didn't want him dead.

Kelsey was found a few days later, at Tori's place. She killed herself, after hearing he was gone. I had no idea she loved him that much; they say love can make you do crazy things.

Lorel was also found... alive, locked up in Grace's hide out. Lorel wasn't missing the first few weeks; she was away working for Van and didn't tell anyone. I didn't know she was one of his girls, but she was saving up to move for university. Grace caught up with Lorel after she returned, and then kidnapped her. She wanted to make sure that when she got rid of me, Lorel wouldn't swoop in and steal Van back from her. Plus, she couldn't kill her friend; even though Lorel was sleeping with Van, just as long as she was.


So much shit went down after New Years, but on a good note...

Mayva gave in to Zeek's pretty looks and sweet talk, Ace and Stella are trying to re-group, that case Ms. Julian had open on the kids and I, is closed, Aunt Sally is locked up for now, as still is Grace, and everything else is gravey... I hope.


I finish my joint, and hop in the shower. Gotta get clean, today is the day we (yes we, as in Van and I) visit Mayva's Dad and step Mom for lunch.


"Reece, I think we need to get Gramz a girlfriend" I hear Van in my bedroom.

I call from the shower "he don't need no girlfriend, he still needs help getting down the front steps".

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