The end.

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This chapter has been done for a minute now, I just didn't want to publish knowing it's the end of Jareece and Van. But I can't leave the story hanging forever; so here it goes.

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"Mama?" Olivia tugged at my maxi dress, with a bottle of bubbles.

I crouch down to her level, "yes my Livia?".

"Can you open it please?" she flashes her perfect teeth, handing me the bubbles.

Van was stunned, when Olivia started to call me mama. I told him I didn't want her to, and we tried to keep her calling me Reecey, but her mind was made up.


"It's moving day!" Mayva announced herself, entering the house with a bag of paper plates, cups, bowls, and plastic utensils.

I open the bubbles for Olivia, and told her to let Vaien pour them into the bubble machine.

"No, that was yesterday. You missed it" I smirk, taking the bag from her.

After six months of smooth sailing, Van and I decided to move in together. He sold his house, Georgia is living in our old house, and now we own this still oversized mansion; that he's paying for. I would have found something smaller, but he has a vision for the kids to be able to grow into the space and stay with us forever. So much space for Gramz to run around, because he's not getting any smaller.

I know we're moving fast, but none of our friends seem to care. I feel like Van and I belong; whether it's together as lovers, friends, or just company. We are suppose to have some type of bond.

"So where is everyone? Don't tell me it's just us, I spend enough time with just you" May wiggles her finger at me.

"It's just us babe. Unless you want to hang with the kids".

It wasn't just me, but everyone left to get supplies for our all day move & barbecue. It's only 10am, and I'm stuck with all of the kids; my 4, Van's 1, Ace's 3, and Georgia's 2.

Mayva sat up on the kitchen counter, opening a beer "I'm good right here. I cannot believe, my Reece piece is a house wife".

"Yea well, Van really knows how to pick em. But I'm looking for work, so shh". Van insisted I stay home and relax, and make up for the year I missed; to be 17. I'm all for the modern life, but I need some type of hold over.

Now that Mayva and I have graduated high school, when September rolls around; I'll have days to myself, while the kids are at school and daycare. Freedom, I think I deserve it.

"Let Van take care of you J. The money he gets is easier and faster. You don't need a job weighing you down".

I started preparing snacks for our company later, not replying to Mays comment. Not saying I'm all swell with what Van does, but I'm not depending on other chicks selling themselves; to care for my brothers, sister, Olivia, and myself.


"We're back! where are my little snuggas?" Georgia and Stella walk in, with toys for the pool.

May hopped down from the counter, to take the heavy stuff from Stella as she caught her breath. "Bet you wish you kept ya legs closed" May joked. The walk from the gate, to the front door, to the kitchen, isn't that far to be catching breaths.

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