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Every little thing you do, got me feeling some type of way. When you give me that thunder, you make my summer rain.

With every single part of me, my love for you is constantly. Forever and ever on repeat.

And it won't stop.


"The kids are confused in the morning, looking for you to kiss goodbye" I push a smile through, showing Nana videos of the kids blowing her kisses and saying their morning "I love you Nana".

She was smiling big, with tears in her eyes.

Nana's been in the hospital for a week now, I visit her every day at lunch time. Sometimes Mayva and/or Envy will come with me to make Nana laugh, or I come alone to bond.

She had trouble breathing one day, and when an ambulance checked her at home, they wanted to bring her in for closer care. When Aunt Sally called me at school, I almost lost it. I walked right out of class.

Still able to get some words out when she's feeling ok, Nana told me to start planning her funeral. I refuse, she's getting out of this hospital and coming home.


Before leaving to get back to school, Van (my drive) also came in to say hi; after letting me have my time alone with her.

In the last two weeks since we've been doing whatever it is that we're doing, Van has pushed himself fully into my family. He is now one of Nana's favorite people, the kids love him, he even kind of won Aunt Sally over; she lets him call her Jasel, and she hates that name with a passion.

I held Olivia on my lap as Van talked to Nana. Tina (yea, I know her name now) took three days to pick Olivia back up from the first time she left her with Van, and then pulled the same shit again and is now procrastinating to come and get her child. It's been 9 days. We had to go shopping for her, once realizing Tina wasn't coming back.

I don't mind Olivia; she is the sweetest thing and she finally warmed up to me, but Van has business to handle. He can't just up and be full time dad whenever Tina needs a fix. He has grown such a strong love for Olivia, but once he knew 100% she was his; he raised his standards even higher for her.



"She looks good" Van tried to lighten the mood.

I want her to feel good. Only a year later, and my brothers and sister have to lose someone else they love. It's not fair, they're too young.

"I'm gonna go home, after I get my car from school". I'm glad the teachers and staff understand my situation, I've missed a lot of time. They let me work from home, as long as I stop in each day.

"Do you want me to stay with you? I have all day" he smirks, motioning to Olivia.

"If you promise not to let me be sad, sure". When I mope; I can mope for days, so I try not to. I slip into this deep dark depression, of all my past emotions.

Van leaned over to kiss my cheek "promise".

I made him stop for ice cream for Olivia, before dropping me off at school. With what I'm going through, and Olivia being abandoned by her mother; we need a sweet treat. Yes Tina calls, but how would you feel at one year old and mommy drops you off and doesn't come back for days. Van and Olivia have only known each other for three weeks, but I'm happy she trust him.


As Van pulls off, I see Envy watching me go straight for my car.

"Someones got a new friend" Envy jokes, getting closer.

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