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Intoxicated with desire, and you're the designated driver. I'm not afraid, cause I'm a rider. Ain't nothing wrong with feeling right, so won't you.

Scream, at the top of your lungs; everybody's feeling right.



I turned to see Van shuffling my way. Stopping my cart, he caught up.

"Wow" he looked at Jaleigha, Javaien, Janai and Jaleo. "You never told me you were part of the Brady Bunch".


I ran into Van, a couple of times more after the park; since then, he won't leave me alone. He says we're best friends now, and I should get use to seeing his face. I've grown to like him, and his company, but that is all.

I rolled my eyes laughing as he picked Janai up to join us shopping.

"Who you are holding, is my brother Janai, this is Javaien, Jaleo in the cart, and my mini me sister Jaleigha".

Of the time I've spent with Van, this is his first time he's meeting them.

He playfully greeted each of them.

"So what are we doing today?" he walked along side of me, still holding Janai.

"We are getting some late night grocery shopping done". I shop late so the stores aren't packed, and I can bring the kids without them being in the way.

I hate when people bring their kids grocery shopping with them, and let them run around.

"What are you doing here?". It's odd to see a guy like him, in the grocery store.

"I'm picking up something for my friends mother". My reply? "Oh".


"Can you reach and get that for me?" I point to a jar of pickles, for Leigha.

Van lifted Nai as high as he could, and let Janai grab the jar. My cheeky brother was so excited to help.

A small old women tapped my shoulder, as Van lowered Janai with the pickles. "Your family is just too sweet. How old are your little ones?".

I said thank you, and gave her their ages. The women was very impressed with our cute, family; she even went as far to ask Van why I didn't have a ring on it. She said we remind her of her late husband and their kids.

Once we got rid of her, he gave me a side smirk.

I know what he's thinking. "Trust me, it's easier to play along. People stop me all the time thinking they're all mine" I point to the kids.



Van helped carry the bags, Janai and Jaleo; who were sleeping, to the car. He put all the groceries in the trunk, while I buckle the boys in.

I shut the back door as he got closer.

"Thank you, you're a great help". "Oh my gosh, did I take up your time. You were here for a reason right?" I remembered.

He looked around the near empty parking lot. "It's fine, I love spending time with my family" he joked. "I'll be home in time to tuck the little ones in".

I chuckle at his sense of humour, referring to the lady in the store. "Don't let that go to your head Van, I'll kick you out". I'm playing along, because I get to see him smile.

We hugged goodbye and then I was on my way home.



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