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I'm back!

I first want to thank all of my readers, and everyone who voted, commented, shared, fanned. I appreciate all of you, and I'm thankful you took time out of your days, to read my work.

As I said before; I am writing a second book, for Main Chicks, Mayva and Zeek. The chapters are racked up, but the story is not quite finished. I've had writers block, so it's taking a minute to complete.

I do all of my writing, publishing, and some extras like media, on my phone, and it's slowing me down. My apologies.

As a sorry, I'm going to publish the epilogue for Main Chick (after all the mess of Next). I was going to wait till the spinoff was complete; because it takes place after the story, but that's lagging. Also, I will hang up a character list for the old and new faces.

The spinoff is now published. It's called Next. I will update the first chapter on here, then you can take it from there.

Thank you again for reading. Epilogue, to be updated.


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