Mr. & Mrs.

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11 years later

Mayva trails behind me, as I pace up and down the hallway. My being on edge, is putting her on edge. I'm just anxious; nothing is in my control, and I'm stuck upstairs not knowing what's going on around me, or where my kids are. The only people I've seen in the past few hours, are Mayva, Cat, Yolanda, and Ace.

This is so stressful.

"We still have like, 30 minutes, so calm down. You're gonna sweat your hair out, and I don't plan on doing it all over again" Mayva stood at the end of the hall, tired of my antics.

It's like I'm trapped. I can't breath, I'm hot, I'm cold, I need a drink, I need air "May, I'm going crazy over here" I fan myself.

She rolls hers eyes, sick of me. This is the fist time, I'm acting so out of character.


"Hey, Santiago is going to come up for..." Van spoke coming up the stairs.

Mayva sprinted to the top of the staircase, stopping him from coming any further "turn your ass around. You know you can't be up here".

"I was just...".

"Go Van! No peeking".

I take it he left, probably with that sexy smirk he's always pulling. Mayva sighs,"Jareece, just come back to the room; we can open the windows and I'll call Georgia to let you know what's happening downstairs" Mayva guided me back to our holding area (my bedroom).

This has to be the longest day of my life, and it's only 1pm. In the room, May began opening all the windows as she called Georgia, who was downstairs overlooking everything.


"Mommy, uncle Envy..." Olivia entered the room, cutting herself off at the sight of me. "You look so pretty mama" she smiles, folding her fingers under her chin.

Watching Liv grow, has been wonderful. As her mother, I'm proud to say she's mine. At 12 years old, she gets the best out of life; letting unnecessary problems roll off her back... as she should. 12 is a rough age.

"Forget about me, look at you. You're beautiful hunny" I gleam, half crying. Damn my hormones. She looks like Cinderella's kid sister, in her gown.

"Mommy, why are you crying?" a little body appeared behind Olivia.

"Mommys happy, baby. These are good tears, okay?" I inform my 4 year old son, as he comes to crawl up on my lap.

"Cody, doesn't mommy look pretty?" Olivia stepped closer, asking her little brother, dressed in a tiny tux.

He looked up at me smirking, exactly like Van "like a princess" his eyes sparkled.

When we found out I was pregnant with Cody, Van took me on a weeks vacation to Turks and Caicos, and a week after we came back, we took the kids to Disneyland for another week. I think Van was most excited about our new addition. Cody looks exactly like Van, but he has my nose and ears (I took what I could get). Pregnancy was great the first time around, I just wish my parents and Nana could see him; meet him... Cody Michael Marino.


Mayva wanted a picture of me and the kids, before she kicked them out. It was almost time, and they needed to be downstairs with everyone else.

"Oh, one more hug" I get up from the bed after the picture. Olivia carried Cody on her hip for him to be at our height. "I love you to the moon and back, and there a million more times. Tell your brothers and sister I love them too. I doubt they will see me before we get started".

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