NEXT. Chapter One

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I had forgot I said I'd publish the first chapter here, but in my defense; I unpublished and published, and removed, delteted, and published… so many times. I have a whole plan for Next, but the chapters are longer then I would like, due to I don't want any of my readers to bore, or become tired. Long or not, heres the first chapter.

I've made a few changes to the characters, and will be publishing a part to show who they are. But for the most part, almost everything is the same.





    Chapter one (Mayva pov)

I show Mr & Mrs. Marshal down into the living room of the fifth home I'm showing them in 3 months.

"As you can see, it's everything you asked for and more. The only thing missing is a women's touch, and the man cave in the back" I wink at Mr. Marshal.

My phone starts vibrating, like it has been all week. Ignoring it, I lead the couple to the island in the kitchen to seal the deal.


Instead of going into the performance business out of my performance high school, I set my talents aside to dig deeper into another... persuasion. I'm one of the youngest realtors in the city, and I'm good at what I do.

I had my shot at fame, but leaving my family behind killed me. I loved the lime light, and the pay was generous, but it wasn't worth missing out on watching my baby brother grow up, or not seeing my best friend Reece, or leaving my father like my mother did, and it wasn't worth breaking the heart of the man I'm sure I than fell in love with; Ezequiel Nicholas Stevens, or simply Zeek.

That was 4 years ago, and I am positive I've made the right decision. I'm where I'm suppose to be, selling homes.


"Mrs. Marshal... Mr. Marshal, what do you think?".

Mrs. Marshal glared at me, making me nervous. "First of all..." she pauses. "Call me Trai. I'm not an old lady, we're like the same age. And my husband... Leau" she smiles.

"My apologies".

"The house is perfect, we'll take it. We can't pass up such a view, can we baby?" Trai hugged Leau's strong arm.

I'm putting on a brave front, but seeing them so happy, is tearing me apart inside. And the constant vibrations of my phone is making it worse, knowing it's him.


We stand in the foyer, talking details. "Alrighty than" I clap my hands together, "I will meet you two back at the office, and the house will be all yours" I gleam at Trai and Leau.

As they are exiting, my phone begins vibrating again. I force a smile, watching them leave. He's been calling the whole time I was showing this house; naturally I'm pissed.

Shutting the door, I quickly answer my phone. "You are so lucky I sold this house! Blowing me up like your momma. Be happy I'm busy all day, cause I'd find you and break all of your fingers. Like... let me breath" I spat, as the line stayed quiet.

Zeek and I are not exactly on good terms; clearly. We can't go long without fighting, but I always end up staying with him. It's not too bad; I love him, but the fallouts are becoming too real.

"Ah... May? It's just me. Jareece".

Laughing at myself, I notice Zeek stopped calling. "Sorry. Sorry, Zeeks called me non-stop while I was showing this house. I thought you were him".

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