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So when I think of the time that I almost loved you. You showed your ass, and I saw the real you.

I know you want me back, it's time to face the fact; that I'm the one that got away. Lord knows that it would take another place, another time, another world, another life.

Thank God I found the good in goodbye.


I enter a bedroom upstairs, and Mayv is sitting on the bed rolling.

"Thanks for leaving me May" I took a seat in front of her.

Besides spotting that fella downstairs, my night so far has been dry. I don't mind looking lonely; I can have a good time by myself, but knowing my friend is somewhere in the same environment as me, I can't help but worry. Like a mom.

"Stop crying, will ya. I want you to hit this with me" she licked it close.

I know Mayva didn't have Prince drag me up here, just to get high.

May lit the joint, took a puff, then handed it off to me. I don't feel like being high tonight, plus I have to drive us home, so I took two puffs and passed it back as she swigged her drink and then handed that to me too.

In the room is Prince, his friend Ron, Blue, and a few other girls acting stank, trying to get Ron and Blues attention. I hate seeing thirsty chicks, it's sad; like, take a drink and simmmer down please. There's also a female in Princeton's grill, like Mayva isn't even here. Rude.

"So what you been doing this whole time? I hope, having a good time" Mayva dragged the stuff.

"Chilling, Relaxing. Watching all the ratchetness unfold" I joke.

May passes the J back, and I decline. If I didn't know any better, I would think she's trying to desoberize me. Usually... Mayva Gonzales doesn't share, she makes sure she has enough for you to have your own or she won't light at all.

"Did you finish that drink I gave you?".

"Are you ok!" I disreguard her question "You acting like you planing something. Yes I finished the drink".

Mayva chuckled, throwing her head back. "This is your first social in a while, I want you to have fun old woman. I'm spiking your youth, giving it some umpth".

I gave her an ensuring smile and left the room. It was getting stuffy in there, and I don't want to go home smelling like weed. Teann would F me up.



Once again alone, I took a seat at the kitchen bar. I'm going to have one more drink, and then sober up for the ride home.


"A young lady like you shouldn't be at the bar alone" the bartender shot me a winning smile.

I'm flattered, but I'm not easily impressed.

"I hope you're not hitting on me" I joke, grasping the drink I just ordered. He started blushing.

I took a sip of my drink, spinning my stool around, checking the place out. The amount of people here, is outrageous. One wrong turn in that crowd, and you're done.


"Hey, get my usual?" a voice beside me spoke to the tender. I turned back around to face the bar, resting my arms on the top.

As the tender slid the persons drink over, I could hear them searching their gear for the money to pay.

"One sec man. Stace!" they yelled out, to a thin white girl through the crowd.

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