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Bang, bang, bang.



Jareece immediately runs out into the snow, with no coat, or boots on.

Van is crying; holding Tinas body, trying to keep her alive.

Reece covered Olivia's eyes and ran her into me, then ran back out to get Jaleo from the car and put him in the house. The door slammed and she was right back out there to be by Vans side.

Hearing the gun shots and crying; the other kids come out to be nosey, so I send them all to their rooms to avoid seeing what happened.

"Javaien, take your brothers upstairs to your room and stay there please" I hand him Jaleo as he cries. The gun shot really scared him.

Javaien led them out of the kitchen.

"What was that sound, and where's sissy?" Leigha looks around.

"You're okay" I kneel, and kiss Olivia's head.

"Jaleigha, take Liv up to your sisters room please, and you guys stay in there until I come for you. Tell your brothers too. If you need to use the bathroom, use Jareece's" I instruct. Reece's bedroom is in the back of the house, so they can't look out the window and see.



I get boots and a sweater for Reece, then step outside to help.


"The ambulance is on the way" Jareece ensures me as I hand her the boots. Her and Van are both out here sitting in the freezing snow, getting wet.

"All of the kids are in your room, away from the windows" I tell her.

It's sad, she wants to comfort him, but he's covered in blood and crying with a wounded Tina on his lap.


The ambulance and cops show up fast, and the first thing they do is try to help Tina, she was shot two times in the back. The third bullet hit the suv.

They lift her onto a stretcher, and get her into the ambulance.

"Go with her" Reece picks Van up from the ground. He was so shocked, he didn't notice them take Tina from his arms. "And call me" Jareece kissed him.

This is the first time I've seen them kiss, and with it being under these circumstances; I see the love they have.


The police talked forever, asking the same questions over and over. Once they were gone (for now), I helped Reece with the kids.

When she came inside, she went straight for her bedroom, to change into dry clothes. Reece straightened up, acting like nothing had happened, so she wouldn't spook the kids.

We made the little ones something to eat, and they all sat in the living room watching TV; while Reece cuddled Olivia with us, in the kitchen.


"What was that?" Jareece asks herself, rubbing Olivia's back.

"I don't know Reece, but everything will be ok".

"I'm tired of hearing that when it's not true. My baby brother, and Olivia were out there. Leo was in the car... the car that now has a bullet hole in it. Just saying that out loud makes me angry".

Jareece is clearly shooken up too, it's sad this is happening in her life.

"But they're fine Reece, and I'm sure Tina will be too. Don't be mad, you get really stressed when you hold onto anger" I tell her.

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