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With Jareece turning 18 soon, and with me getting sicker; I want to go, knowing she, Jaleigha, Javaien, Janai and Jaleo are all taken care of.

I don't trust leaving them under Jasel's authority. I love my daughter, but she has been trouble ever since Jasaya was born. Sally is the jealous type. I use to tease and call her The Green Eyed Monster when she was a little girl; she'd sook until I apologized. It was cute.

My baby was so sweet, all the ladies at Church, the super market, the doctors... all would stop me to admire Jasels impeccable beauty.

Jasel was excited to become a big sister, but she didn't know the attention a baby required. Sally sometimes tried to scare and hurt baby Jasaya, but her father said she was just feeling neglect, so he would keep her busy.

Now that I'm in Sally's care half the day, every day; I see she is still the selfish little girl she became, once she was no longer an only child.


"Here are your pills Nana" Jareece kisses my head.

I love seeing the responsible, young women Jj has become, and watching how well mannered the little ones are.


After Reece gets everyone fed and ready, they all kiss me goodbye before leaving for the day.

I normally sit alone after they leave, Jasel gets here on time as Reece leaves, but she goes wherever for an hour then returns.


I use the bathroom and come back, to Sally cooking breakfast. 

I stopped talking to Sally the day I realized just how green she was. It hurt me as her mother, to know all she cared about was getting my inheritance once I died.


Jasel didn't bother to feed me, I cook up my own food eachday, or warm some leftovers.

"Momma, I think it's time you go to a home. Where professionals can take care of you" Sally speaks, as I run water for a drink.

I'm not leaving my home, besides she offered. Sally must be crazy. I ignore her as she goes on.

"I want you to be comfortable, healthy and they will look after you full time there. Reece is too young, and I'm sure once she turns of age; she's going to want to live her life free. I need to know my mother is safe".

If Jasel thinks she's going to rip me from my home, and make me helpless amongst people who treat me like a child; then she's sadly mistaken.

I took my drink and food, back to my seat in the living room. I know Sally will try and put me in a home without my consent, but she's going to be in for a rude awakening.






Reece and I watch, as a girl group at school do a lunch time performance.

I don't want your man. Your man's been calling me; trying to get me to see that he wants me to be with him, but he ain't the one for me.

If he ain't gonna love you the way he should, then let it go.


"Know what this song reminds me of?... You and Van". Reece may act like she doesn't want Van, but I can see she's at least attracted to him.

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