18. No Bra Shopping for Today, Kyle!

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Chapter 18

Tessa’s POV

I woke up and panicked slightly as I wondered where I was. As I rolled over I remembered I was in the tour bus. I slid out of my bunk and quietly cursed as I accidentally knocked my phone onto the floor. As I picked it up I turned to see Kyle coming out of the small toilet and he waved at me excitedly.

“We’re in Leeds!” he said.

“Are we?” I asked, confused. Then I remembered I’d fallen asleep on the drive from Newcastle to Leeds; it felt funny going to sleep in one place and then waking up in another. 

“Yeah! Come on, I’ll show you outside. It’s not as cold here, but it’s raining”, he said.

I grabbed my hoody and followed him downstairs. I was still wearing my clothes from yesterday and I felt like I needed a shower. 

“Are there showers anywhere?” I asked.

“There’s one on board”, he grinned.

“Kyle! I’m not a scratter!” I laughed, scrunching my nose up.

“Haha, sorry, yeah I think there’s a bathroom area in the venue”, he said.

“Good”, I said. 

We entered the kitchen area and Dan was sat with Will quietly eating cereal, both on their phones. 

“Morning guys”, I said, making them look up.

“Oh hey Tess, sleep well?” Dan asked.

“Yeah thanks”, I smiled.

“Hi Tessa, or should I say Dan Junior!” Will laughed.

“That’s still really weird!” I laughed. 

Kyle pulled his shoes on and I grabbed my converse and shoved them on too, before pulling my hood up and following him quickly outside into the rain. It was fairly heavy so we ran straight into the venue and started searching for the showers. We managed to find them and although they weren’t too great, I decided I’d have one soon because I’d got quite sweaty onstage the night before.

We raced each other back to the tour bus and Kyle just beat me as he hopped back on.

“Beat you!” he cried, jumping around, flicking rain water everywhere from his hair.

“You’re really tall though!” I complained. “Your legs are like, twice the length of mine!”

He laughed. “That’s no excuse”

“Yeah it is!” I argued, trying not to laugh, but failing.

I took a step to go upstairs to fetch my toiletries when I had another dizzy moment, this one quite bad. It felt like when you get up too quickly, and all the blood rushes to your head and you feel a bit dizzy for a moment – but worse. This one made me feel sick. 

“Shit!” I said, as I stumbled back. Kyle lunged and grabbed me, before I fell over completely. I was glad someone was always there when I had these dizzy moments, I swear I’d manage to knock myself out if I was on my own.

“Woah! Tess, you okay?” he asked.

“Um, yeah, I think”, I said. “That was horrible”

“What happened?”

“I dunno, I just went dizzy”, I said. “It’s happened a couple of times before.”

“You might be dehydrated”, he suggested, as I pulled away, managing to stand on my own.

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