7. Cats, Cats Everywhere!

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Chapter 7

Dan’s POV

I woke up to my phone ringing on the table next to the bed. I yawned, leaning over to pick it up. The caller ID was Kyle, and it was also 7am… could I deal with his hyperactivity at this time in the morning? I slid my thumb across the screen and put the phone to my ear.

“Hey Kyle”, I said sleepily.

“CONGRATULATIONS DAN! YOU’RE A DAD NOW!” he yelled down the phone.

I cringed, pulling the phone away from my ear slightly. I turned around and saw Tessa was still asleep under the duvet, phew, Kyle hadn’t woken her up.

“Kyle, shut up it’s 7 in the morning!” I grumbled, half laughing though.

“Sorry babe”, he whispered. “Congratulations though! I always knew you could do it!”

“Kyle! I’m not a dad! Just a legal guardian now, you make it sound like I’ve just had a baby or something!” I chuckled.

“Well, it’s the same thing”, he said. I silently laughed, oh Kyle. “Janna’s chuffed too!”

“Tell her thanks! She hasn’t seen Tess for a good while now has she?”

“Nope, it’s been too long”, he sighed dramatically. 

“Well thanks again mate”, I said, indicating I wanted to go.

“No probs Danny. Listen, if you need a baby sitter for her, call me!” he cried.

I laughed. “Will do! See you later man”

“Sure, byeeeee!” he continued the ‘ee’ on the bye for a bit until I hung up. I have no idea how Janna can put up with living with that all the time. 

I put the phone back on the bedside table and lay down again under the duvet, closing my eyes. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get back to sleep. Thanks Mr Simmons.

I sat up, slipping my glasses on and quietly got out of bed, making my way down to the kitchen. I made myself a coffee and then got Tess a glass of water and got a breakfast bar for her as well. I took them down to my room for her and placed them on the table beside her side of the bed. I examined her face a little as she slept, and saw her cuts and bruises were already healing a tiny bit.

I went and got my coffee and then walked down to my little music room. I sat down at the piano and stretched my fingers before playing a little tune. I had no idea where it had come from, but I liked it, so grabbed my notebook and scribbled down the notes.

A short while later I had come up with a few more little tunes that slotted in well with the first one and I smiled to myself; it didn’t sound too bad. I heard the door squeak a little and I turned around and saw Tess walk in, wearing my dressing gown. It was trailing on the floor as it was too big for her.

“Hey Dan you woke me up dude”, she mumbled, rubbing her eyes.

I grinned, even from the past few days’ events her awesome personality still shone through. For a moment I almost felt like I’d been transported back to before I got so busy with the band, and Tess would always shout at me to shut up if I was ever practising and she was at our house. One of her most used phrases was, “Shut the heck up Dan, you don’t understand how hard homework is when there’s a doofus playing piano right next to you!” 

Then I’d most likely reply, “Ooooh! Girl strop alert!” and she’d jump up and fake-punch my arm so I’d push her back and then Mum or Dad would shout at us to stop messing about. Me and Tess would both roll our eyes at each other and then burst out laughing. 

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