16. Bastille on Tour: Day 1

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Chapter 16

(A week later)

Tessa’s POV

“Dan! Dan! Dan!” I called excitedly, jumping around the apartment.

“Tessa! Tessa! Tessa!” he called back, hopping about trying to pull his converse on.

It was the Monday morning of the first day of the mini tour up in Northern England. Excited was an understatement. Not to mention I’d be out of school for a week. Dan had sorted it all out with school and I’d been given some homework sheets to complete during the tour so I didn’t miss out.

There was a knock at the door and I dashed over to open it, knowing who it would be. 

“Will!” I cried, after I’d opened the door.

“Hey Tess!” he greeted.

I opened the door further to let him in and he said hi to Dan before helping me with my bags. Dan carried his suitcase and rucksack out to the hall near the lifts and Will carried mine out for me, worried I’d make one of my injuries worse. I’d explained that I was considerably better now, but to no avail. 

Dan locked the apartment door for the last time for a while and the three of us made our way into a lift. Once we’d reached the ground floor we dragged (well, Will and Dan did) the bags and suitcases out to the taxi waiting at the pavement. The bags were shoved into the boot of the cab and we all slumped down in the back seat before setting off to meet the others at the tour bus.

Glancing at Dan’s watch, I saw it was 5:28am. The fatigue set in and I began to feel my eyelids drooping. I regretted jumping around excitedly earlier on, it had worn me out even more. I felt Dan shift a bit, knowing I was falling asleep. 

“Oi, don’t go to sleep, we’ll be there in a minute!” he said.

My eyes snapped open and I looked up at him. “I’m so tired though!” I said.

“So am I! But I plan to sleep on the bus”, he replied.

“Oh, I will too then”, I said.

I stared out the window as Dan and Will engaged in a boring conversation and about ten minutes later we arrived at a car park behind a big warehouse. The yellow and black tour bus was there and I began to get excited again. Kyle, Janna, Woody, Chrissy, Coop and a few other people I recognised but didn’t know very well were stood outside it.

As soon as Will got out the taxi I practically shot out after him and began jumping around excitedly again. I suddenly had a dizzy moment, the same type of thing from about a week ago, when I fell into Dan coming out of my room. This time Will caught me and held me steady until it had passed.

“You okay?” he asked.

I nodded, frowning. “Don’t tell Dan though, I don’t want him worrying”, I said, nodding my head towards Dan who was hauling his suitcase out the boot.

Will looked unsure but then nodded. “Alright then, but are you sure you’re fine?”

I nodded, “It’s happened before. Probably because it’s so early in the morning – I’m knackered!”

He chuckled and then patted my shoulder before getting his own stuff out of the boot. I grabbed my rucksack and slung it over my shoulders, waiting for Dan and Will to come over. Dan dragged both his suitcase and my smaller one and I decided that next time we’d share a case. It’d be less hassle then.

“Hey guys”, Coop greeted as we came over.

“Hey mate”, Dan said, giving him a man-hug. 

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