33. Prom Dress Shopping

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Chapter 33

(A week later)

Tessa’s POV

“Am I definitely not allowed to come then?” Dan asked me.

“Nope. You’re not allowed to see me in my prom dress until the actual night”, I said.

“It’s not like a wedding you know, it’s not bad luck!” he laughed.

“I know! I just want it to be a surprise”, I grinned.

There was a knock at the door and I got up to answer it, knowing it would be Louis and Christina. It was.

“Tessa!” Louis cried. “Hi!”

“Hey Lou! Hey Christina!” I greeted. “Shall we go now or do you want to come in?”

“We can come –” Christina started, but knowing it was just to see Dan Louis butted in.

“We’ll go now as my Mum’s in the car”, he said.

“Okay”, I said, turning to get my hoody. I slung it on before walking down to Dan in the lounge. 

“Bye Dan, see you later”, I grinned.

“Bye Tess, have a good time”, he smiled, quickly planting a kiss on my forehead.

“Ew, I hate it when you do that”, I complained.

“Christina wouldn’t mind it!” Louis called, and I turned round to see Christina hit him over the head.

“Oi! Get out of the apartment!” I yelled and they shot off, laughing.

“Bye”, I smiled to Dan before walking back out to the door and joining my friends. 

We walked out of the building after taking the lift down to the ground floor and made our way out to Louis’ mum’s car. She said hi to me as we all got in the warm vehicle and set off for the shopping centre. Once we reached it she dropped us off and we raced each other inside. I lost obviously, as I failed to even jog quickly and was completely out of breath by the time I reached Christina and Louis.

“Sorry Tess!” they both said, putting their arms around me.

“It’s alright”, I said breathlessly, shrugging them off gently.

We searched for dress shops and found a good one (well, no dress shops are good in my opinion, but you know what I mean). Louis got more excited than us at some of the dresses and kept picking out hideous ones for me on purpose.

“Everything you choose is bloody awful!” I laughed. “If I need an opinion on one I like I’m definitely not asking you!”

“Alrighty then!” he replied sassily, hand on hip.

“’Kay then”, I said, trying not to laugh.

After a while of searching for dresses I finally found one I quite liked and so did Christina. Mine was an all-black dress reaching above the knees with thin straps over the shoulders. Louis did say it looked smart, which I took as a compliment. Christina’s dress was similar to mine but strapless and a burgundy colour. We both went into the changing rooms to try them out and I came out first, shocked at how different I looked in a dress when I looked in the mirror.

“God Tess, you look fabulous!” Louis exclaimed.

“Haha, thanks”, I said.

Christina then came out and she looked amazing. “Wow!” me and Louis said together.

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