22. Change is all Around

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Chapter 22

Dan’s POV

“Dan”, Tessa said to me as she came into the lounge after changing into her school uniform.

“Yeah?” I asked, turning to look at her.

“Um… well… err”, she said awkwardly, looking down at her feet.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Um…” she mumbled. 

“Tess spit it out!” I chuckled.

She looked up at me, a strand of her dark hair covering her right eye slightly. “I don’t know how to say it really”, she said.

“It’s alright”, I said softly.

“Well, um, I’ve been thinking…and well, since yesterday evening I decided I had to tell you”, she said.


She took a deep breath before looking up at me. “I want to change my surname”, she said at last.

I opened my mouth to speak but she continued. “When I was sat with you, Woody and Kyle last evening I felt like I was sat with my family. If Will had been there it would have been complete. I just really don’t want to be a Wilson anymore; my dad has obliterated the family name, my dear, dear mum was taken from us against her will and I believe that was never my true family in the first place, my true family is… with you guys. I mean, you’ve always been my big brother and my very best friend and since I can remember I’ve always spent more time with you, your sister and your parents than my own dad” she smiled. “I’ve wanted to find a way of telling you this and I had to do it someday. So… I want to change my surname”, she took a deep breath after finishing.

My heart swelled in my chest and I blinked away tears I hadn’t realised had gathered in my eyes. I stepped forward and I wrapped my arms around my little ‘sister’. I held her silently for a moment, taking in what she’d been waiting to tell me. 

“Oh Tessa”, I whispered. She squeezed me and I squeezed her gently back in our funny way of saying ‘I love you’. “Of course you can change your surname”

“If it’s okay, I want to be a Smith, I never wanted to be a Wilson in the first place”, she whispered.

“Tessa Smith”, I said. “Sounds good, eh?”

“Yeah”, she smiled into my chest. “Tessa Smith”, she whispered. “Yeah”

Tessa’s POV

I hugged Dan before getting out of the car, slinging my school bag onto my shoulders. 

“Bye little Smith!” he grinned.

“Oooh I’m so excited to change my surname!” I grinned back. “Bye!”

I slammed the door shut and waved as he began to pull away from the kerb. I made my way through the gates, entering the school grounds. 

“Oh my gosh! It’s Tessa! Hi!” a Year 7 girl said loudly, pointing to me. 

“Hey”, I smiled awkwardly back.

“You were on tour with Bastille weren’t you?” she asked, coming over to me with her pack of Year 7 buddies following quickly behind.

I nodded.

“I’m soooooo jealous oh my days!” she said, turning to her friends. They all agreed, just copying each other. It was rather funny. I don’t actually think some of them knew who Bastille were bless them.

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