34. Winter Prom

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Chapter 34

Dan’s POV

I heard Tessa on the phone down the hall as I poured us both a bowl of Cheerios each. It was the morning of the day of her first ever Winter Prom and also December 1st, so she was extremely excited for both the prom and Christmas approaching. Our last gig of the year would be very soon, on the 20th of December and so I was pretty pumped for that too. I was thinking about what to get Tess for Christmas, and everyone else, but at least I had a bit to decide.

“Alright then. Bye!” she said, as she came into the kitchen. Her long pyjama trousers trailed on the ground and she hopped up onto a bar stool at the breakfast bar, smiling.

“Hello”, I grinned. “Was that Louis?”

She nodded, “He was just wondering if you were still dropping us off and picking us up tonight at prom, as his mum offered”

I shook my head, “No it’s okay, I want to see you all looking fine and dandy in your dresses and suits and anyway, I’ve got some stuff arranged”

“You have?” she asked.

I nodded, as I passed her the bowl of Cheerios. She flashed a toothy grin at me excitedly and then jumped up, catching her breath slightly. I think she sometimes forgot about her heart not being able to catch up with the energy she had. 

“Advent calendar! First day!” she said.

“Oh I nearly forgot too!” I said.

We went over to where our advent calendars were pinned up on the wall beside the fridge and I watched as Tessa opened hers. She’d forced me to get one as long as she could choose it when we’d gone to Tesco, so I’d agreed reluctantly, scared as to what she’d choose, and I’d ended up with a Hello Kitty one. Kyle had been happy about that though, seeing as him and Janna had chosen the same one. I swear they were both still children.

“It’s a reindeer!” Tess smiled, showing me the reindeer shaped chocolate.

“Let’s see what mine is”, I said, looking for Day 1 on mine. I found it and opened the little door, revealing a Christmas tree shaped chocolate. 

“Christmas tree”, I said.

“Oooh, we need to get a real one as well! I almost forgot about Christmas trees!” Tessa said excitedly.

“Calm down Tess! We’ll go and buy one nearer Christmas”, I said.

“Yay!” she cried, dancing round and eating her chocolate. I ate mine too and laughed as I watched her. 

We ate our cereal and I made sure Tess took her medication, and then went to get dressed. She came out of her room wearing a woolly scarf over her school blazer and mittens on her hands.

“Good thinking Tess, don’t want you freezing to death”, I said.

She chuckled as she pulled her school shoes on and slung her rucksack onto her shoulders. She wasn’t reluctant going to school today, knowing it was prom later on. I’d asked Lisa if she could do Tessa’s hair and makeup for her and help her get ready, and she’d agreed willingly, sounding as excited as if she was actually going.

Tess chatted excitedly about Christmas all the way to school, and told me that the Christmas the year before hadn’t been so great as that was the beginning of her dad becoming an alcoholic. We quickly brushed over that subject though to save any tears, and before we knew it we were outside the school grounds.

“Bye Dan, love you”, she said, reaching over to put an arm round me.

“You never say you love me, what’s going on?” I asked, smiling, as I hugged her back.

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