5. Nightmares

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Chapter 5

Tessa’s POV

Dad was running after me, down an everlasting corridor, with a beer bottle in his hand. He was screaming drunkenly after me, telling me how pathetic I am. How I’m a disgrace to the family. How it was my fault Mum died. I suddenly stumbled, tripping over my own feet, and fell down a flight of stairs that magically appeared. I felt as if I were in a washing machine, being tumbled about, smashing into the walls until eventually I hit the ground and lay sprawled out at the bottom. Dad sneered at me from the top of the staircase, and raised his arm to lob the bottle at me.

I sat up in a sweat, blinking a few times, then realised it had just been a dream. I wiped a few tears away that were sliding down my face. I looked around and then remembered I was on Dan’s sofa in his apartment. I put my hand to my head and winced as it hurt to touch, then everything of the night’s events came back to me. I began shivering involuntarily, even though it was warm in the apartment. I picked up my phone and checked the time; I’d only been asleep for a couple of hours. 

I pulled my knees up to my chest and sat there for a few minutes, until I realised a few tears had escaped my eyes. I wiped them away and then thought I saw a shadow move in the corner of the room. I blinked and could have sworn I saw Dad there, staring at me. It scared the living daylights out of me and I sprang up and stumbled across to the hall to Dan’s bedroom door.

I waited a second before knocking, feeling bad if I woke him up. I silently pressed my ear to the door and heard light snoring. I thought I heard something move behind me and my heart pounded in fear, so I decided to just go in. I quietly but hastily opened the door and padded inside, closing it carefully behind me. I saw Dan’s hair sticking out the top of the duvet and he moved ever so slightly.

I felt so bad for waking him up, but I was terrified on my own. I poked him in the head a couple of times but he didn’t wake up. He’s a heavy sleeper. 

“Dan!” I said, and poked him again. This time he mumbled something and then rolled over, blinking up at me. 

“Oh Tess, are you alright?” he asked worriedly, sitting up slightly. 

I just shook my head and a few tears slipped down my already tear-strewn face. He put his arms out and I hugged him, instantly feeling safer. He pulled away and rubbed his eyes tiredly, but smiled at me.

“Here, you can sleep next to me if you want”, he said, patting the other side of the double bed.

“Thanks Dan”, I said gratefully, my voice wavering. I went to the other side and climbed under the duvet next to Dan. He reached out his hand and wiped the tears from my face and then noticed I was shivering. God, I am such a wreck. He pulled me closer and hugged me tightly and I buried my face into his chest. I finally felt safe.

“Night Tess”, he mumbled, quickly falling asleep again.

“Night Dan”, I replied, closing my tired eyes. I fell asleep to the gentle rise and fall of Dan’s chest and the calming, steady beat of his heart. 


I woke up, realising Dan wasn’t next to me. I sat up, wincing as my head was pounding. I slowly got out of his bed and walked out to the hall. I looked down to the living room and saw Dan in the kitchen area, his back to me. 

“Hey Dan”, I called as I made my way to the sofa.

He turned round and smiled at me. “Morning Tess! Or should I say afternoon, it’s 1pm”, he said. 

“Sorry I disturbed you when you were asleep”, I said quietly.

“Don’t apologise! It’s fine Tess, I can understand”, he said, coming over to me and sitting next to me on the sofa. He put a mug of hot chocolate in my hands and I grinned in thanks.

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