38. Kittens!

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Chapter 38

Tessa’s POV

I woke up with a huge grin on my face. At last it was the final day of the Winter Term. This time tomorrow it’d be the Christmas Holidays. I got up and out of bed, pulling my fluffy socks on and my dressing gown before leaving my room to walk down to the kitchen.

“Morning Dan!” I said cheerily.

“Hello”, he grinned. “Advent calendars!”

“Ooh yeah!” I said, going over to them.

My eyes scanned the calendar, searching for Day 19. I found it in the corner and opened the little door, revealing a star shaped chocolate. I took it out and ate it, watching as Dan opened his too. He showed me the present shaped chocolate before throwing it in the air and catching it in his mouth.

“Woah! That was cool!” I admired.

He raised his eyebrows, “Didn’t know your big bro was so cool, did ya?”

I laughed, shaking my head.

We ate breakfast and I took my morning meds, glaring at them before they went into my mouth. I despised them even though they kept me just about well. They’d failed to do their job properly and although I knew that wasn’t the actual case, I just loathed the fact I’d have to endure surgery in less than a month.

We raced each other to the bathroom, Dan winning, and I laid on my bed watching YouTube videos on my phone whilst I waited for him to come out. Once he did I went in and had a shower, brushed my teeth and towel dried my hair before going to get dressed in my dreaded uniform for the last time for 2013. I put Christina and Louis’ Christmas presents in my bag too, as I wasn’t sure if I could actually give them at Christmas. 

“I might not be picking you up after school”, Dan said. “I’ve got some things to do, but if I can’t I’ll send one of the lads to pick you up instead. Or mum or dad, anyway, I’ll text you”

“Okay”, I said. “Why? Where are you going?”

“Oh, nowhere important…just some stuff for the gig tonight”, he replied quickly.

“Oh, okay”, I said. “Tomorrow’s your last gig of the year isn’t it?”

He nodded, “Yup. What a year it’s been”

“Tell me about it”, I said, bending down to pick up my rucksack.

He put a hand on my back understandingly, and we headed out the door. 

Dan’s POV

I pulled the car up outside the school grounds and Tessa leaned across to hug me quickly.

“See you later”, I said.

“Bye”, she grinned, getting out the car. She spotted Christina and waved to her, before slamming the door shut, giving me an awkward little wave.

I grinned back at her before putting the car into gear, releasing the handbrake and driving off. I looked back through the rear-view mirror at Tess chatting to Christina and smiled. She had no idea where I was actually going today. 

A little while later I was driving past Battersea Dog & Cats Home. 

I pulled up in a space down the road and then walked up to the place. I smiled, if only Tessa was with me right now, I thought.

I walked inside, being met by a lady with a very wide and friendly smile. 

“Hello there sir!” she welcomed. 

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