41. Welcome Home, Kitten

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Chapter 41

Tessa’s POV

I woke up slowly, turning my head to peer across at my phone. I picked it up, switching it on and reading the time. 10:23am. Not bad, I’d woken up later earlier in the holiday. I then realised what the date was, December 24th – Christmas Eve!

I quickly jumped out of bed, immediately regretting it as I felt my heart strain, not pleased I’d made it suddenly work so hard. I ignored it, insistent on not letting it ruin my Christmas. I dashed out of my room and down to Dan’s where I flung the door open, bouncing onto his bed. He rolled over, moaning at me to get the hell out of his room.

“It’s Christmas Eve!” I cried. “CHRISTMAS IS TOMORROW”

I ran out again, hearing him moaning again that I’d woken him up. I quickly went down to the kitchen, picking up the house phone and speed dialling Kyle’s number. He picked it up after a few rings, sounding like he’d been up for a while.



“ARGHHHHH!” I squealed.

“TESSA SHUT UP SOME PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP”, Dan shouted through from his room.

“Dan’s being a spoil sport”, I said to Kyle.

“Eugh, he’s gonna be getting coal from Santa”, he replied.

“He sure will”, I agreed.

Once we’d gotten over the excitement of Christmas being in 1 day we each hung up and I went to pour myself some cereal for breakfast. Once I’d made myself a bowl of Coco Pops and a glass of pineapple juice I sat down at the breakfast bar. When I’d eaten I went to the cupboard (which Dan still thinks has feelings) and got out my medication organiser. Dan had picked one up at the hospital for me, which was a great help. I got out my morning dose and quickly took them before replacing the organiser in the cupboard and walking down to the bathroom for a shower.

As I washed my hair I began singing Jingle Bells as if my life depended on it. 

“Is there a dying raccoon in there Tess?!” Dan shouted through the door.

“Oi! Piss off, I thought you were asleep!” I called back.

“Yeah I was, but then I woke up, that’s generally what you do”, he replied.

“Not if you’re dead”, I said.

“You always have an answer”, he called. “Wait… are you planning to kill me?!”

“YES!” I shouted, and I heard him shoot down the hall away from the door. Laughing, I rinsed my hair of the shampoo before switching off the shower and getting out. I quickly wrapped my hair into a turban-style-thing to let it dry and wrapped the other towel around me, shivering as the cold air blew through the steamed up window.

I walked down to my room to get changed and then I blow dried my hair, appreciating the warm air blowing out of the hairdryer. 

“I think it’s going to snow”, I said to Dan as I walked into the kitchen afterwards.

“Yeah, it certainly looks like it”, he nodded to the window.

There was frost covering almost everywhere outside and I shivered. I loved the snow and frost but boy was it freezing. Obviously…

“I’m going out this afternoon Tess, so Woody and Chrissy are taking you out for a Christmas Eve treat”, Dan said.

“Oh sounds nice”, I grinned. “Where are you going?”

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