62. Wise Girl

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Chapter 62

Tessa's POV

"You look bored Tess", Dan chuckled, glancing over at me.

I nodded, looking up at him through my fringe.

We were at one of the million sessions of physiotherapy Dan was going to need over the next few months, meaning endless hours of sitting around accumulating boredom for me.

He described it as revenge- he's the one sitting around when I have to have heart scans and appointments. Dan really was doing brilliantly though; the progress was extraordinary. It was clearly visible he wanted to get back to work and the realm of normality as soon as possible.

"You can go for a wander if you want, sweetie", the nurse smiled at me as she helped Dan up onto a physio table.

"Yeah, don't wait around for me- go and find your friend in the hospital garden", Dan said.

"Oh god yeah, Megan!" I exclaimed. "Thank you Dan!"

I got up and quickly left the room, walking the familiar route out of the physiotherapy department and over to the other side of the hospital to the garden. I felt guilty for having almost forgotten about Megan, so much had happened that I'd barely had time to think about my friends outside of the situation.

"Tessa!" I heard an unmistakeable voice call from behind me.

I turned around to immediately see Megan hobbling up towards me. "Megan!" I cried.

"It's been a while!" She laughed, throwing her arms around me as we met. I hugged her frail body, genuinely happy to see her.

"I know!" I chuckled. "A lot has happened, holy moly"

"Well you certainly look brighter than I've seen you before, I'm guessing Dan's picked up?"

"He's out of the coma, back home at long last and doing amazing", I said, blinking away emotion-filled tears.

"Oh Tess!" She beamed. "I'm so happy for you!"

"It's crazy, this time less than two months ago we were seriously worrying if Dan would ever wake up. To be in that position is terrifying", I said shakily.

Megan nodded understandingly, furrowing her brow as she listened. "I know what you mean. There've been times I've been in an emergency room hooked up to God knows how many machines and told I might not make the night. Scary stuff"

I gulped; Megan had been through a lot.

"Sorry", she smiled awkwardly. "I didn't mean to make that so dark"

I smiled back reassuringly, "it's fine! How are you doing anyway? I'm so sorry- we're still stood around, do you want to sit down?"

She nodded gratefully, following me down to the bench in the garden.

"Well, things have picked up", she said, once we'd sat down. "I'm not dying anytime soon don't you worry"

"You'd better not be!" I said. "But seriously that's awesome, I'm happy for you too!"

The speak of dying immediately caused me thinking about my dad and I suddenly found myself tearing up again. Megan, instantly looking worried, thrust her arms around me and allowed me to cry into her shoulder.

"Oh god Tess, are you sure you're alright?" She asked, with concern coated all over her voice.

"N-not long after Dan woke up...my dad died", I burst out sobbing again. Why was I even crying?! He'd done nothing but hurt me, emotionally and physically, in the past couple of years.

"Shit Tess, I'm so sorry", Megan replied, squeezing me in a comforting fashion.

I shook my head, prising myself away from her hug and smiled as best I could. "It's okay, I don't know why I'm even crying to be quite honest. I hated my dad, he died in prison... He'd done some very bad things that I can't ever forgive him for. I guess the emotional stress of everything has kind of been built up due to this"

She nodded understandingly, "I know what you mean. You're experiencing so many emotions from Dan waking up and going through all this treatment, just one more ordeal can really top you off sometimes, even if you're not truly sad about it"

I nodded, amazed at how wise she was.

We continued to chat for a while until I received a text from Dan saying his session had finished. I replied back saying I was on my way, and thought maybe Megan could meet him.

"Meg?" I asked.

"Yeah?" She replied.

"How'd you fancy meeting my brother? We became friends thanks to him and the situation, and I've spoken so much about him, you ought to meet him in person!"

She nodded, her smile lighting her pale face up. "I'd love that! My parents won't mind if I've gone for a wander, as long as I'm not too long"

"Great! Can you get there by yourself?" I asked tentatively.

She shook her head, "I can guarantee you I'll faint if it's on the other side of the hospital- far too far for my pathetic body!"

I tapped my foot, thinking. "What about a wheelchair?"

"I haven't got one today", she replied.

"We'll steal one", I decided, spotting one deserted by the doors.

"Tess!" She laughed, getting up and slowly following me. I wheeled it over to her and she sat down, laughing.

"Let's go!" I cried.

We made our way over to the other side of the hospital, almost bumping into Dan as he stood in the corridor leaning on his crutches.

"Woah, Tess you nearly ran me over!" He laughed. "Is this Megan, then?"

Megan nodded, smiling up at him. "Hi Dan, nice to meet you at long last. Congratulations on waking up from your coma, you've done amazing according to your sister"

I grinned proudly, walking round and giving Dan a hug.

"Well I'm not doing too bad I guess", he smiled. "It's nice to meet you too, Tess has told me about you both when I was in the coma and out"

"I hope it's been good things!" Megan chuckled.

"It has!" I laughed, gently tapping her shoulder.

The three of us walked out of the hospital to find Dan's dad waiting in the car for us.

"You get in the car, Dan. I'll take Megan back", I said.

"Okay, mum!" He laughed and I grinned, hitting his arm gently.

Dan's dad helped him into the car whilst I wheeled Megan back through the hospital, and she thanked me repeatedly for doing so.

"Oh it's alright", I smiled. "I'll see you again soon, Dan's here all the bloody time!"

"Me too", she laughed. "See you soon then"

We hugged before I quickly made my way back out of the maze of corridors.

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