3. "It's Much Harder now the Police Have Come"

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Chapter 3

(A few weeks later)

Tessa's POV

I woke with a start, hearing a door slam. I glanced at my clock which read 12:34am. I heard Dad shouting angrily and crashes and bangs as he trashed the rooms downstairs. My heart lurched in my chest as I heard him coming upstairs and I shot out of bed and quickly locked my door. Seconds after there were huge crashes on my door as Dad slammed his fists on it, trying to get in I assumed.

"OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR", he bellowed and I backed up to my bed, shaking out of fear. As I heard another big crash on my door I looked down and saw my hands shaking uncontrollably and I gasped as I realised I'd been holding my breath. I'd never felt so scared in my life.

"TESSA OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR I'M FUCKING TIRED OF WAITING", he yelled, but I stayed silent, hoping he couldn't hear my heart beating hard in my chest. I got silently onto my bed and pinned myself against the wall, pulling the duvet over me.

I felt tears streaming down my face and I cried out silently in pure fear.

"I want Dan", I whispered to myself as I hugged my knees tightly.

All of a sudden I heard a huge smash and Dad was in my room; he'd broken the lock.

"TESSA I TOLD YOU TO FUCKING OPEN THAT DOOR YOU FUCKING PATHETIC TWAT", he screamed at me and I cried out in terror.

"I'm sorry!" I shouted, my voice hoarse from crying.

I felt the covers being ripped off and then huge arms picking me up. I screamed in terror and squirmed to get out of Dad's grip but he slapped me across the side of my head shouting angrily at me to stop moving.

"I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE", he shouted, carrying me out of my room and then dropping me heavily on the ground, I felt my face hit the ground and I cried out in pain.

"I'M FUCKING PATHETIC", Dad shouted, grabbing a bottle of alcohol and downing it. He lobbed the bottle at me but it missed and he kicked the radiator in anger. "AND SO ARE YOU", he shouted at me, reaching down to hit me but I rolled out of the way and he fell forward drunkenly. I glanced at where I'd just been lying and saw a little pool of blood, oh my god. I flung my trembling hands to my face and blood was pouring out of my nose, or my mouth, I couldn't tell - there was too much.

I looked up and pulled myself up on the banister and ran dizzily downstairs. I heard Dad's heavy footsteps behind me and then suddenly I felt myself being pushed from behind and I fell forward, tumbling down the last few steps. I heard a shout of anger and my head hit the floor. Then darkness.


I awoke with the worst headache in the world, the side of my head pounding. My face felt like it had been hit by a truck and everything was spinning. I tried to get up but I couldn't move. Fuck, what the hell had Dad done to me? I managed to move my arm and my whole body ached as I did. After a few moments I realised everything was silent. I managed to sit up against the wall and saw blood all over the floor and a smashed bottle of beer next to the stairs.

"Oh my god", I whispered, and then started crying. I couldn't believe what the hell had just happened. I slowly got up, tumbling over almost, but at last stood up shakily holding my head. I padded carefully into the living room to see the room destroyed, everything was smashed up. I let out a cry as I saw a photo of Mum lying on the floor, the glass cracked. I picked it up, putting it back on the table and went silently into the other rooms looking at what damage had been done.

"Oh my god", I kept repeating as I saw absolutely everything was destroyed. I slowly pulled myself upstairs and grabbed a towel from the bathroom, holding it to my sore face.

After checking every room, I felt slightly relieved Dad had obviously gone out. I went to my room and cried as I saw most of my things lying in a horrible mess on the floor. I stumbled over to my bedside table and opened the drawer, pulling my phone out. For some reason I don't know, I didn't want to call Dan. I have no idea why I didn't. I stumbled over to my mirror and saw myself and almost fainted. I was a massive mess.

Suddenly I heard a knock on the door and my heart raced, thinking it was Dad. I peeped out behind the curtains seeing a police car parked up outside and a few of the neighbours had come out, including Dan's mum and dad. Oh my god. I glanced at my clock and saw the time was 1:48am. I took a deep breath and managed to get downstairs to the front door. I was feeling scarily dizzy and tried to compose myself before opening the door.

I peeped out, seeing two police officers stood at the door.

"Holy crap..." the first one muttered, as he saw me.

"Is your Dad Dave Wilson?" the second one asked, and I nodded slowly. "Can we come in please?" he asked softly, seeing I was in a bad state. I nodded again and opened the door wider, seeing Dan's mum and dad looking at me from next door. I felt a tear drop down my face and I quickly went inside with the police officers, unable to let them see me like that anymore.

"Oh my god", one of the police officers said as he saw what the house was like. I stood awkwardly by the wall, and they bent down to talk to me. "What's your name?" one asked.

I swallowed before saying quietly, "Tessa"

They began asking questions of what happened, and one of them sat me down in the kitchen and tried to wipe some of the blood away for me. I sat shell-shocked as they told me why they were here.

"Your Dad has got into a lot of trouble shop lifting and threatening members of the public", one of the policemen said. "And it looks as if he's done some damage here too".

I zoned out slightly as they started telling me Dad was at the police station and that he was in no state of looking after me. I couldn't think straight. Everything was happening so quickly. They asked me if I had any questions and I said, "Can I make a phone call please?" They nodded and I went to the living room to call Dan.

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