17. WOW!!

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Chapter 17

Dan's POV

"Come on lads, you're on", a stagehand called to us as we lingered around the corridor leading up to the wings.

I took Tessa's hand as we all walked up the steps and she grinned up at me as we heard the crowd talking. I bent down and kissed her forehead and gave her a hug and I felt her little arms wrap around my waist.

"Break a leg!" she laughed, as we split apart.

I laughed. "Will do!"

I took the lead and stepped nervously onto the stage with Kyle, Woody and Will following behind. The audience screamed their lungs out and I gave a wide grin as I looked around, utterly shocked at how many people had bothered to come and see us.

I made my way to the back of the stage in front of Woody's drums and adjusted my ear piece as the intro for Bad Blood started. I held the microphone up to my mouth and began singing as the intro ended. I whipped round and saw the whole audience bouncing around already.

When the magical introduction of Of the Night began I nodded to Coop in the stage wings and he nodded back. Tess was going to come on stage.

"Before we start our next song, I would like to introduce you all to a very, very special guest indeed" I said into the microphone. The crowd cheered loudly and I smiled.

I turned to see Coop holding Tessa's hand, pulling her gently onstage. She looked mostly shocked and terrified bless her. I walked over to them and smiled at Coop before bending down to pick up Tess in my left arm. She was the weight of a feather and I easily carried her as we walked back to the middle of the stage. She clutched onto my t shirt and looked at me mouthing 'WHAT IS GOING ON?'

I just smiled and looked out to the crowd again, who were screaming louder than ever.

"Newcastle, I want to introduce you to our special guest Tessa!" I said into the microphone. "She's going to be joining us for the last couple of songs we have!"

The crowd roared and someone began chanting "TESSA!" and soon the whole audience was chanting her name. My heart swelled as I listened to everyone chanting for my little girl. I turned to look at her and she had a huge smile plastered on her face. I held the microphone to her mouth and she shyly spoke into it.

"Um, hi, I'm Tessa!" she said, her voice booming out into the theatre. The crowd cheered even louder.

I held the microphone back to my mouth and began explaining what to do for Of the Night. I put Tessa down and she crouched down with me, demonstrating for the crowd what to do. The introduction ended and I began singing the first verse. As I sang and danced around the stage Tessa bobbed around with me singing the words too. The crowd were going mental; most of them knowing the words and as it led up to the chorus I shouted for everyone to get down.

"Not in a kinky way!" I added, making Tessa splutter with laughter next to me.

"Now everybody jump!" I shouted, and the whole audience started pogo-sticking up and down. As I jumped up and down clumsily I turned to see Tessa jumping too, a huge smile on her face as she had one arm up, punching the air.

When Of the Night ended the beginning of Pompeii began and it seemed as if the whole world was going 'eh-eh-oh-eh-oh'. I walked over to Tess and signalled for her to get on my back, she quickly jumped onto my back and put her arms around my neck as I piggy-backed her around the stage as I sung the first verse.

She sung the chorus and I held the microphone up to her face so her voice boomed out from the speakers. She was about to stop out of embarrassment but I nudged her to carry on, and so she did until the start of the second verse. Her voice was beautiful.

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