15. Christina's Secrets are Revealed

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Chapter 15

A/N - This chapter is dedicated to Jordanna because she is one of the best Stormer Buddies I could ever have & she's amazing at drawing Dan ;)

Tessa's POV

I waved goodbye to Dan as he began to drive away from the pavement and made my way up through the gateway to hell. AKA school.

"Hey Tessa!" Jennifer called to me from the group of bitches.

"Hey", I replied quietly, continuing on my way to form.

I quietly made my way inside the classroom and sat in my seat, getting my phone out and messing about on Twitter for a bit. The bell rang, indicating school had started for the day and I slipped my phone back in my bag and slunk down in my chair. Once registration had finished a girl called Lily came over and began talking to me. She was nice enough, but I could tell she was putting it on just because of what had happened.

When the bell rang for first period I felt a wave of relief and left Lily to walk down to ICT. I entered the room with everyone else and took my seat next to Christina. Normally, I'd be dreading this lesson with her but today was different.

"Hey Tessa", she smiled.

"Hi Christina", I replied back.

"I saw that photo you were mentioned in on Twitter at the weekend", she said.

I blushed hard, hiding my face behind my dark hair. "Oh God. I am so sorry, that was Kyle", I said.

She laughed. "He's in Bastille, right?"

I nodded.

"I listened to some of their songs the other day, they're awesome", she said.

"Yeah they are! Try telling Dan, he's convinced they'll be working in McDonalds by the end of the year", I said.

"Seriously? Well, tell him from me that his band is ace!" she said.

"I will!" I smiled.

We chatted (well, whispered, so we wouldn't get told off) through ICT and I found out Christina's Mum also became an alcoholic and her Dad, her older sister and herself all had to move out one night because it got so bad. That's why she'd moved to this school back in Year 7. I felt so bad for her, but then also not so isolated. At least I wasn't the only one in the school who'd had an alcoholic parent. I could understand now why Christina hadn't been the most pleasant of people; having something like that happen to you can strangely change your personality.

The bell rang and I bent down to pick up my bag from beside my chair. However, another hand came into view and picked it up for me. I looked up to see it was one of Jennifer's friends, Maddie. Her face was bright orange with foundation and her eyebrows had been drawn on looking like a four year old's job. She flashed a toothy smile at me and put my bag in my hands.

"There you go, Tessa", she smiled, and then flounced off out the room. I couldn't even say 'thank you' before she'd left.

I turned to see Christina with an eyebrow raised.

"Now that was an odd sight", she said.

I nodded, "Yeah", I replied.

We made our way to English and made our separate ways to our seats. I slipped into my chair next to Louis and he smiled at me. This was the first time seeing him since I'd told him everything on Friday and I hoped that wasn't going to change anything now.

"You alright?" he asked.

I nodded, smiling.

"Good, I've been worrying about you", he said.

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