63. The Next Chapter

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Chapter 63

Three months later

Tessa's POV

"Argh! No photos!!" I laughed, batting Louis away from me as he tried to take a photo on Greg's fancy camera.

"Oi don't go breaking that camera with Tessa's ugly mug!" Greg called over from down the corridor.

"Greg!" I cried, astonished.

"Ha! Got you!" Louis laughed, looking at the camera screen.

"Ah shit, you bastard!" I laughed, punching his arm. "Get a photo of Christina instead!"

She poked her head around the corner as she heard her name and I grinned mischievously.

We were backstage at Bastille's very first show since Dan's coma and it was such a celebration to have gotten so far that I'd been allowed to invite Lou and Chris along too. Dan had done incredibly well and still was. I was the proudest little sister ever. I'd come to terms with the fact dad had died, I'd moved on from that miserable chapter of my life and was living life like I'd always wanted.

"Alright guys, you're on!" Mark called down the corridor.

I heard a girl-like squeal erupt from Dan as he left the dressing room and I ran up and threw my arms around him. "Your first show since the coma Dan! Have a great one"

He squashed me in a bear hug and kissed the top of my head, grinning. "I will! I can't believe this day has finally come"

"Mental", Kyle said, coming up behind us.

"Definitely", Dan agreed. "Right, we need to get onstage!"

I followed everyone down to behind the stage, making sure Christina and Louis were with me too. We watched as the lads made their way onto the stage for the first time in months and I smiled as Dan quickly turned and winked at me as he walked. His limp was barely noticeable, as was his lop-sided way of smiling. It just made him more adorable for the Stormers as Christina put it.

Me, Christina and Louis danced along at the side of the stage with Coop as the gig began and it certainly felt good to be back.

Halfway through the gig I felt a tap on my back and turned to see an excited-looking Megan.

"Megan!" I screamed in shock, throwing my arms around her. She felt less-frail and hugged me tightly, clearly stronger than she had been just a few months ago. "What are you doing here?!"

"Dan gave me a free ticket and a backstage pass a few weeks ago at the hospital- it was when you were at school", she grinned, her face bright and a lot healthier looking.

"Oh my god that's so great of him! I'm so glad you're here!" I cried, hugging her again. "You look so well!"

She nodded, beaming. "We found a new treatment about two months ago and holy shit it's working so well! I'm praying to be NED by the end of this year"

"I'm so happy for you!" I smiled. "I'm praying for you too, you're gonna kick Cancer's arse good and proper!"

She nodded, grinning.

"Oh, sorry, I haven't introduced you to my two best friends yet", I said. I dragged Christina and Louis over to us and introduced them to Megan.

"Awesome to meet you, you're like a real-life hero like Dan!" Christina cried.

Megan laughed, "I'm not a hero! But thank you!"

The four of us danced and sang along to all the songs as the gig continued and several times I caught Dan tearing up - this meant so much to him. To be able to perform and do what he loved again was so overwhelming.

When the introduction for Pompeii began Will turned and grinned at me and I smiled back in confusion; he looked like he was up to something.

"Everybody, I'm sure most of you know this is our first show since I was in a coma earlier this year", Dan's voice boomed out of the mic. "I'm incredibly lucky to have woken from it and to have gotten to where I am now. One of the main reasons I am where I am is because of my fucking amazing little sister Tessa"

The crowd roared and my mouth fell open as Coop pushed me onto the stage and into the bright lights. Will guided me across the stage as the crowd continued to scream and I suddenly found myself in Dan's arms.

"Here she is", Dan said. "She's been through a hell of a lot and I'm so proud of her and all she's achieved. I wouldn't have been able to get through what I've experienced without her"

I blinked the tears away and looked up at him the smile on his face was the biggest I'd ever seen.

He began singing the 'eh-eh-oh-eh-oh's' and the whole place seemed to come together, everybody in the room singing along. Dan grabbed my hand as he began singing the first verse and I was dragged across the stage with him as he danced about. I'd never felt so full of energy and I'd never seen Dan so energetic onstage either. It was a huge moment for us both.

As the song began to end I felt someone take my other hand and I turned to see Megan grinning widely, with Christina and Louis beside her.

"This is fucking ace Tessa!" She laughed.

"I know!" I laughed too, squeezing her hand tightly.

We all turned around to see the stage suddenly filled with people. I spotted Lisa hugging Will, Chrissy pecking Woody on the lips, Janna trying to climb on Kyle's back. Nearly everybody who was closest to me in my life was on the stage in that moment and as I turned back around to look at Dan I could tell this was the happiest moment of both of our lives. It marked the start of a brand new and exciting chapter; one that would no longer be plagued by my dad.

The music continued and it was like a huge rave, every single body in the room was dancing and having an amazing time.

"I'm so sorry for everything I've caused Dan", I said loudly so he could hear.

He shook his head smiling, bending down and picking me up. "Tessa, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be where I am now. Everything we've encountered has made us both better people, and I can't thank you enough for that. Tess, the flaw in your heart is what has brought us truly together and I'll never forget that. I love you so much little sister"

He kissed the side of my cheek and wrapped me in a hug. I clung onto him, smiling madly into his shoulder.

"I love you too big brother", I replied. "I really do"


A/N - Well guys, it's finished! I really hope all of you who have been reading enjoyed it and I want to thank every single one of you who read, voted, commented and stayed loyal to my writing- it means a lot!! As I'm writing this it has 31.1k reads which is crazy, I remember having a little celebration when my first chapter hit 50 reads!
This is the first fanfiction I've ever written and I've really enjoyed it! So yeah, thank you again everybody I hope you've enjoyed The Flaw in Your Heart :)

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