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Jamie said yes to the job. And I accepted it. Jamie, Amber, the kids and I moved to Los Angles. They gave me a few days to sort things out. Like get a house, Holly and Lizzie in a day-care and Dezi in a school. But Dezi was sorted the moment Amber got a job at a school in Los Angles. Jamie got a job fast too. He got one at a big company as marketing. And we got a house. Big one near the beach. The house got a incredible view. It's something I wanted to kids to have while we were there. Is that beautiful view. It had 4 bedrooms. One for me and Jamie. One for the girls. One for Amber and a guest room. A very nice kitchen. Dining room and a TV and living room in one. And a patio where we could sit outside and whatever we wanted to do outside. It was a beautiful house. I still missed South Africa not going to lie. But we are going to be here for at least a few years or more. So lets make the best of this then.

A few days has gone by and it was time for all of us to start working. Amber and Dezi went together. Lizzie, Holly and I went together and Jamie on his own. I dropped the kids off at day-care and off I was to my new job.

I was excited and nervous. But I couldn't wait to start. Finally I will do something I love.

I got at the office and it was a big building. I went inside and Owen waited for me.

"Hi I'm Owen."


"I can hear the South African accent."

"Everyone tells me that around here."

"Are you ready to start?"

"I can't wait."

"Good. You will have your own office. Follow me."

I followed him and he leads me to my office. There was a few scripts on my desk already.

"I want to first see how you do before we work on your novel."

"Oh, you were serious about that?"

"Yes I was. I don't joke about that."

"Ok. So where do I start?"

"You can start with the ones on your desk. Lisa will help you and teach you everything."

"Ok thank you."

"If you need anything just ask."

"I will thank you."

Owen left and Lisa showed me everything and I started working. I went back to Owen and he was impressed. He then went with me back to my office and we started working on my novels.

I loved doing this. It was everything I hoped it would be.

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