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I was crying my flight back home. The woman who was next to me asked why and I told her about Jamie and Amber. 

I was back in South Africa and I couldn't wait to see my kids. Finally I was home.

I got off and my dad met me at the lobby. I hugged him.

"Hi dad."

"Welcome back." he greeted me. 

We went outside and I took a deep breath in. 

"It's good to be back. Hello South Africa. I have missed you."

My dad laughs at me. And we got in the car and drove home. My car I left at their house. 

When we got home the kids came running outside. They came running to me and hugged me. "We missed you mommy."

I got all their things together and our new puppy. Bobby. We got in the car and we went to our home. I was tried from the flight. We stopped at our home. 

"Good to be home."

"Mommy why is our door open?" Dezi asked pointing to the door. 

I looked and it was open. I know I locked it. I have made sure of it. "Um. I don't know."

I got my phone out and looked for my dads number and gave it to Dezi. 

"Stay in the car. Lock the doors. And whatever happens don't get out of the car."

"No mommy."

"Call your grandpa. Tell him we are in trouble."

"Mommy please..." she cries. 

"Don't get out of the car ok."


I got out of the car and closed the door. Holly and Lizzie also were crying in the car. I showed them to be quiet. I walked to the door. I was hoping they left already. I looked around for something I could use as a weapon just for in case they weren't gone. And I found a sharp piece of wood. I picked it up. I was scared. I had this cold shivers. But I took a deep breath and I went inside. I reached the living room and it was quiet. My heart was beating so fast I could feel it beating in my chest. It looked like they were gone. 

But then someone hits me over my back and the hit makes me fall to the ground. The took me on the feet and they dragged me over the floor to the kitchen. I screamed... "NO.....!"

Thank you for 115 reads and 45 votes. If you like this story Please Vote. Thank you Ema. 

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