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Bryan booked us a tour at a lion farm, to show Jamie, Amber and Tammy one of our big 5. When we got there we got out, there was a lion cage in front of the office. I went to it and Tammy followed me. And I looked at the lions. The one female stares at me. 

"Oh wow. That looks scary."

"What looks scary?"

"The lions."

"Their in cages. Relax. They can't get to you."

The one girl that worked there approached us. 

"Hi I'm Joan."

I turned around and greet her back. "Hi I'm Elena. We're here for the lion tour. We also booked one of the chalets here."

"Are you Bryan's girlfriend?"

"Oh goodness no. Thank goodness not. We're just friends."

"Well that was offense Lena. Thanks."

I just shrugged my shoulders when Bryan came to us. 

"I'm Bryan."

"Joan. I'll be taking you on the tour. Jessie got your room key. So what do you want to do first? Settle in or go on the tour?"

"The tour please." Bryan said. 

"Ok sure. We are just waiting for the cruiser to come back then we can go."

"Thank you."

We waited and watched the 3 lions in the cage. 

"I hope she eats you." Bryan said to me jokingly.

"Well that's offensive. You want me to die?"

"No I just want to see how it will look if she chases you."

"You are so mean."

"I thought you guys here in South Africa rides on them. That's what I heard." Tammy said.

"Does it look like I'm going to get on that female lion that has been staring at me like I'm her lunch?"

"Um... No." 

"Then I think that it's not true. Don't you?"

"I don't like your sarcasm right now Lena."

Everyone laughs. "Ok Tammy. No that is a lie. We don't ride dangerous animals like lions here."


"Was that better?"

"Not really." she glares at me. 

Joan  came back and the cruiser were there. We got on the cruiser and they took us in between the cages to watch the lions. She stops at the horses stable and we got off. We thought maybe she wanted to show us some horses now. We went inside and she picks something up and brings it to us. It was a baby lion. 

"Aww... Can I hold him?"

"Are you crazy?" Tammy asked looking at me with eyes wide open. 

"No. He's so cute."

"Don't worry. Just watch out for the sharp nails. Other than that they won't do anything."

I took the baby lion from her, she helped me and I rubbed him and show him to Tammy. "Touch him."

"No I'm good."

"I want to touch him." Amber said.

She came closer and the lion got a bit scared. He scratches me a bit. Tiny scratch. 

"See. Told you it's a bad idea." Tammy said. 

"It's nothing."

Amber rubs him and he got a little more comfortable. Bryan took the other one and gave him to Jamie to hold. The other girl came in with milk bottles. 

"Do you guys want to feed them?" Joan asked.

"Yes please." I said.

"I want to feed one too." Amber said.

Joan took the two lions and put them down on the ground. She gave us the bottles and we feed them. 

We went back and Bryan got out all our stuff. Joan told me to go with her for the scratch. 

We got settled in and made a fire to barque some meat for us for dinner with salads. 

We went to bed and Tammy took me on the arm "Can I sleep with you?"

"What about Jamie?" I giggled.

"He can survive a night without you."

"Ok. Sorry baby."

We went to bed and during the night the lions all begin to roar. Tammy yelled. And I woke up screaming too. "No! Not again."

Tammy looks at me all frighten. And I looked around and check myself. And saw nothing was wrong. 

"What the hell Tammy? Why are you yelling? I thought we're being attacked?"

"The lions are coming for us. Just hear how they are roaring."

Jamie, Amber and Bryan came rushing in our room. I was trying to catch my breath again. And as soon as I did. 

"Tammy the lions are in cages. They can't get to you. You scared the shit out of me."

"What happened?" Amber asks. 

"Tammy thinks the lions are going to come eat us."

They burst out laughing. "Omg." Amber said while laughing. 

"They are so big and huge. Sorry."

"Can we go back to sleep now?"

"Yeah... Sorry everyone."

They left the room and we went back to sleep. 

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