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Jamie's pov: 

Dezi kept us updated on Elena, it's been a few days now. Dezi said her mom does wake up but she screams and the doctors give her something to calm her and she goes back to sleep. I was talking to Dezi just now. 

"I miss my mom... Every time she screams I burst out in tears. We can't even see her. The nurses won't let us see her. I want my mom. I wish she can just wake up and be ok. We can't even go to our house. The police is all over the place to look for clues. I'm so scared. I need my mom. God please."

The text Dezi send me brought me to tears. Amber was with me. 

"I think we should go to South Africa." she said. "You'll be much more calmer and so will I. And her kids needs someone there who can take their mind of what happened."

"Then lets get everything ready."

Amber and I got our visas for South Africa and our plane tickets and we packed our things and got on the plane. 

Elena's dad got us at the airport. 

"Hi sir I'm Jamie and this is Amber."

"Hi sir."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Richard."

"I'm sorry about your daughter sir."

"This is my second daughter they've attacked now. The first one got away and didn't get hurt and now the second one is in the hospital. I'm sick of this barbarians hurting our people."

Amber and I looked at each other we could hear he really was fed up with what was happening. 

"Lets get going before we hit traffic. Johannesburg traffic is the worst."

We got in the car and we drove to Elena's hometown. I could see why Elena loved it here. It is very beautiful here. 

"Is this your first time in South Africa?"

"Yes sir."

"Well I hope you will at least enjoy it here even with the situation that we are in now."

With the things happening here it wasn't safe. 

Her dad went straight to the hospital. We went to the ICU department and the nurse refuses to let us in. 

"Please we came all the way from Ohio to come see her." Amber asked the nurse.

"Ok. But if anyone asks you are family."

"She's like a sister to me anyways."

The nurse took us to her room and they let us inside. "You only get a few minutes to see  her."

"Thank you"

We went inside and Elena looked so bad. Amber started crying. "Oh no..."

She had bandages all over her face. Only her eyes, nose and mouth that wasn't covered. She had bruises and scars all over her body. Stomach, legs and arms. It hurt me too to see her like this. Amber went outside. I gave Elena a kiss on the forehead. "I'm here baby." and I left too.

Dezi was sitting in the waiting room and Amber was there next to her. Dezi was hugging Amber and telling her "It's ok. My mom is a strong person." 

I wanted to cry too. But I stayed strong for Amber.  I went to them and hugged them both. 

We went home after a while.

The next morning we went back to the hospital. When we got there Dezi went to the waiting room, we went with her. And then Elena screamed. 

"No....! Please.... Let me go.... Take whatever you want.... Please stop..." I could hear in her voice she was begging. Guess it was when they attacked her. The nurses went inside. Then we heard Elena again. "Please God help me... Just keep them away from my kids. God please... Help." she was crying. After that it was quiet. 

"She used to scream those words a lot." Dezi sat on the chair and she was crying. Amber took her hand and she looks at me. I went down on my knees and hugged her. "It's ok." 

"Do you want some chocolate?" Amber asked her. Dezi wiped her tears away and went with Amber. 

Elena's mom came in. Her name is Nina. 

"We are going to take the kids away to Abu Dhabi for a while. We thought that with what happened to their mom it will be good for them to get away. Do you mind taking care of Elena?"

"I don't mind. Of course I will." 

"Thank you. I called one of her best friends too. He actually is in New Zealand now. But he came to visit for a while. He heard what happened and he said he will help with Elena. His name is Bryan."


"He is probably on his way right now. We are just waiting for him and then we are leaving."


Then he comes down the hall. "Nina."

He hugged Elena's mom. 

"Good to see you again. How's my girl doing?"

I didn't like it that he called Elena his girl.

"Hi Bryan. She's in a lot of shock. She's waking up and she's recovering but every time she does wake up they have to give her anti-depressions again." Nina said.

"I'm Jamie Elena's boyfriend."

He shook my hand. "Oh yes. I'm Bryan. Elena told me a lot about you."

"She told you about me?"

"Yes. Elena and I are like brother and sister. She tells me everything. Is Amber with you?"

He took me by surprise. I didn't know anything about him but he knows me. Elena never told me about him. 

"Yes. She's with the kids."

"Bryan. Make sure Elena eats and take her meds. We also signed her up for therapy. Make sure she goes." Nina said. 

"Of course Nina. You know I will take good care of her."

"Thank you."

Nina hugs Bryan then she looks at me. 

"We will see you when we come back. Bye Jamie."

Her mom left and Amber came back but alone.

"Hi I'm Amber."

"I'm Bryan."

"Oh you're Bryan."

"You know him?"

"Yes. He's Elena's best friend. Well Elena only told me about him."

"Elena talks about you too Amber."

"You're way cuter than in the pic Elena showed me."

"So are you." Bryan said to Amber.

Guess I don't have to worry about him anymore.

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