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Jamie came to check up on me. He sat on the edge of the bed and he look at me concerned. 

"Are you ok?"

I just nod my head yes. Holding my head. 

"D-Don't go... On that date." he mumbled looking to the floor.

I thought I heard him wrong "What?" I said softly.

He look at me and then back to the floor.

"Just don't... Go on the date... Please." he said softly.

I chuckled "I don't think I am." I shrugged my shoulders and rolled my eyes "Not like this"

Mandy was sitting on the chair in the room and she interrupted us  "Jamie why would I want to kill her?" 

He got annoyed again and he sighed and rolled his eyes. He got up and faced her. 

"Because of me.... You are so jealous.... Of me and Elena." he said and I thought I heard him wrong. But he continues. "It's the whole reason I left her. Because of you." he said taking a deep breathe and continues "You were so jealous of us that I had no choice but to leave her. You were so desperate for revenge that you even hurt Amber." he yelled.

Amber came in and glanced Jamie's way. She came to me and sat on the bed and she put the ice bag on my head. "Ouch" I said.

"What are you saying Jamie?" Mandy asked looking at him like she has no idea what he is talking about. 

"I love Elena." he yelled. My eyes widen when he said that but I kept quiet. He continues. Yelling at Mandy. "I'm madly in love with her. But with everything you did I had to leave her. I needed space and just like Elena I lost myself too." 

I looked at Amber surprised while she was holding the ice bag against my head. And I asked her softly "What is he talking about?" 

"Just listen." she said. 

"You knew about this?" 

"He wanted to tell you the other day." she replied.


Mandy started crying "I'm sorry"

And Jamie just continued "I never wanted to hurt Elena, she's the best thing that has ever happened to me. I've never loved anyone as much as I love her. I didn't love you. I'm sorry but I didn't. Stop saying I did." he runs his fingers through his hair and he takes a deep breath and continues "Stop trying to get me. I don't want you. I want her. I will do whatever it takes to make things right with her. But you need to stop saying we had something we never had."

My heart was melting from everything he just said. But I was in so much pain I couldn't move. All I wanted to do was run up to him and hug him. I wasn't expecting this at all. I started crying. I couldn't believe what he said. He loves me.

"But why didn't you greet me properly at the airport? You treated me like I meant nothing to you?" I had to ask him. 

Mandy was crying from what he said. Everything he said was true. The way she was acting. 

He turned around to face me and he sighed. But he looked at me. "I didn't know what to say or what to do. I'm sorry.... But this morning in the kitchen... You reminded me why I fell for you."

He stood there and I just sat on the bed with tears in my eyes. I was so shocked. 

Amber got up and she handed Jamie the ice bag. "Go help her." she said and she left the room. 

He came to sit on the edge of the bed and he puts the ice bag on my forehead. He looks at me worried. And he rubs the bruise on my lip gently. While he looks me in the eyes. "I'm sorry for everything." he said while he takes care of me.

I couldn't speak. I was fading away from the pain. And my head was hurting a lot. I just smiled at him and took his hand. I slowly fell asleep. And soon was out.

Let me know what you think. And please Vote if you finished reading. Thank you love ema. 

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