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Monday we were getting ready for school and work. 

We got into the car and I dropped them off at school and then went to work.

In the meeting at work. They were discussing some issues. And there was one that caught my attention. They need someone to go to Ohio to do a blog about it for the university's web page.  I gave my name up. Amber lives in Ohio. But they said they will let me know if they made the decision.

I went back to work after the meeting. 

Later that day I went to pick up my kids at school. We went home and I started with dinner. The girls were unpacking their school bags and soon joined me in the kitchen.

I asked them how their day was when they did.

"It was good." Dezi answered. "We are learning about the seasons."

"That sound interesting." I replied.

"What's for dinner mom?" Dezi asked.

"Mac and Cheese." I said.

Both Holly and Dezi got excited. "Yay. I love Mac and Cheese."

"Yay!" Lizzie yelled and giggled. 

Lizzie is still learning to talk, so she can only say some of the words. 

Soon dinner was ready and we sat up the table to eat. We said grace and then ate.

After dinner I bathed them and then put their pj's on.

Then we all went down to the living room and I put the TV on.  We watched some TV. 

At 7:45 we went up to the bathroom and we brushed our teethes. I put them to bed and we prayed and read the bible. Then said our good nights.  

I left their room and went to my room. I turned my laptop on and went back to the kitchen. I turned the kettle on and took out a cup out of the cupboard. I put the cup at the kettle and made myself some coffee. Then I went back up to my room. I got my phone and sat at the laptop. 

I write for a hobby. I write on one of these writing apps. I write novels. 

I put my phone next to me. Me and Tammy were talking on WhatsApp. Checking up on each other. Then my phone pings for messenger. It was from Amber. 

"Sorry about Jamie. I didn't know he had my phone. He knows you won't talk to him if he talks from his phone. Sorry." she said.

I text her back. "It's ok. How's things?"

She text back "He dumped me. He was cheating on me. And last night he broke up with me."

I replied "Oh no... I'm so sorry Amber."

She replied "It's fine. He wasn't good for me anyways."

I replied "I agree. So have you thought about what I said?"

She replies "About visiting you?"

I replied "Yes."

She replies "Yeah... I don't know."

I replied "Well I might be coming to Ohio anyway. For work, they want me to do a blog for the web page. But they will let me know."

She replies "Yay! Will you be staying with me?"

I replied "I can make a suggestion."

She replies "Oh but I'm staying with J again."

I replied "Then maybe I shouldn't stay with you. It's ok. The work will probably get me a hotel."

She replies "Yeah... So this means we will finally meet?"

I replied "Yes. I can't wait."

She replied "Yes! Yes! I'll talk to later. I have to go to work. Love you."

I replied "Love you too."

I continued writing a bit and then got up and put my phone on the bedside table. I went to take a shower and put on my pj's. And then I went to bed. 

Let me know what you think of the story so far. Thank you for the support. AND PLEASE VOTE!

Love Ema. 

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