Chapter 42... The Finale Goodbye

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(Want to be put in your feelings? Listen to Heaven by Beyoncé and read this part. It's what I read when I wrote this part)

“It's all over now. We can all go home. Jongin if you can lend me some of your power I can help you start taking people home."
"Okay." He nodded "Let's get it started."

*2 hours later*

"That was the last of them." Jongin said. "They lived Hawaii. It's so warm. Let's go there after we're done here. The water is so blue!"
"Oh yeah let's go." Jongdae said.
"Sounds like fun." Luhan agreed.
"There's nothing more we can do here. The safe house is ruined so I guess I'll set that rebuild up while we're in Hawaii." Kris thought out loud. They started walking off chatting about the vacation. You saw your brother stay behind.
"(B/n) let's go.” you motioned for him to follow. He shook his head. "No. I don't belong here amongst the living anymore. I don't want to ruin your mood but I can't be apart of that."
"What? Yes you do. You deserve a second chance." You could feel where this was going.
"No it's not what you think. It was my destiny to die. There is no place for me here anymore. Please," he turned away from you. "Do me one last favor. Unplug me." He pointed to the power wires that connect his heart and power source on his back." You shook your head beginning to cry. "No. I- I can't." He turned back around and looked you in the eyes. "(Y/n) let me have the peace that I deserve." You stepped up to him and hugged him. His body didn't have much warmth, his heart beat out of rhyme. He didn't breathe. Why make him suffer here any longer? He closed his eyes "This time, no funeral. Burn my body and do what mom did for grandma." You didn't respond but you did nod to acknowledge his wishes. You know what he meant. "I love you (y/n)." He whispered. You pulled the wire out of his back. His body shut down. You held his weight before crumbling and crying as he laid on your lap. His head rested against your shoulder. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." You whispered as you rocked him. The members gathered around. Most of them holding back tears.

To his wishes, his body was burned and like grandmother's, blessed and spread amongst the family flower garden. It was his place of peace. He went there to think, to have quiet time. You didn't hate him, you never did. "He caused a lot of shit but in the end I still loved him." You said as you stared at the flowers. The variety of types uncountable, most unnameable. The array of colors was beautiful. The perfect place to spend forever. You sighed "And some how it all ends with you again…

The End~

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