Chapter 31... Baekhyun

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"Baekhyun do you have any power at all?" Sehun asked. I shook my head "No. It's gone and I don't think I can get it back."
"But- but your body can regenerate. It can't be gone."
"It's gone Chanyeol!" I snapped. "I have nothing okay!" He nodded not saying another word.
"What happened?" Jongdae asked he looked out the window. "I can't really remember. Just pain, drugs, the feeling of being suffocated. A lot of moving around but it wasn't me walking. I was sleep but not fully their. I could hear them talking and hurting me but I couldn't open my eyes. I couldn't stop them."
"What's the last thing you remember?" Luhan asked. "Seeing (y/n).  She was trying to get me out of here. I think I passed out at some point. I gave my little bit of power to her but that's all I can remember. Is she okay?"
"Yeah she's back at the house." Luhan said
"Not our house. Gabe's beach house." Jongdae corrected.
"Who's Gabe?" I asked.
"Right, you don't know. He's a merman who-"
Chanyeol laughed "A merman!"
I snorted trying not to laugh with him. Jongdae sighed  "Yes. (Y/n) found him but anyway. That's where we were taken from. Okay I think it's clear for us to keep going." Jongdae opened the door and led us down the hall. "This place is a giant maze." He whispered. "There's not one exit in this hallway." He looked around the corner before continuing "(Y/n) told us about this place. Before I was knocked unconscious at the beach house, I saw was fighting one of them. Hopefully she's okay." Jongdae said
Sehun stopped.
"What is it?" I asked him.
"Do you smell her?" I sniffed the air.
"Smell who?" The others stopped and looked at him.
"She's not okay."
"(Y/n) is here somewhere."
"Sehun are you okay?"
"I'm fine Baekhyun. But we need to look for her."
"We've finally found you."
"Damm it. The goons are here." Luhan mumbled. Sehun threw his hands out and blew the four behind us back. Luhan waved his hand and knocked the two in front of us into the wall. "Split up!" Jongdae yelled. Chanyeol grabbed my arm and ran with me back the way we came. I looked back and watched as the others run in separate directions.

"We have to hide somewhere."
"It's hard to see. I'm not sure where we are anymore." I said as we stopped to breathe. "We obviously aren't in the main area anymore. Not with the lights out like this." I looked at my hand. Not even a spark. I made a fist. What the hell had they done to me?
"Uh… this way." He opened the door to an empty room. I stepped in. He quickly closed the door behind us.  "Chanyeol-"
"Shh." He looked out the small window on the door. "I thought I heard someone."
"Chanyeol I can't see." At that moment a small flame brightened the room. Chanyeol looked at me. "I'm sorry about your power. But at least we can still use mine." I slid down to the floor. He sat next to me. "I'm useless now."
"No you're not."
"Without my power I have nothing."
"Baek your power was good. But everyone in the pack would rather you be okay. We'll find away to get it back."
"What if it's gone forever?"
"Who cares. At least you're alive."
"I care. My power was a part of me, it was me. I've always had it. I've always used it for things. It helped people. How do I help people now?"
"You kick ass and survive like the rest of us."
"Chanyeol I need my power." He fell silent. Someone started banging on the door. "Put out the fire! Put out the fire!" I whispered loudly. We sat in the dark holding the door closed. The banging finally stopped. We held our breath as foot steps moved farther and farther away. I said not a word, fearing that it might be a trap and they might still be there. Chanyeol's eyes started to glow. I followed suit and made a telepathic connection.
Should we check? He asked.
No. They could still be out there.
But they walked away.
They could be pretending!
I'm going to look.
Chanyeol! No!
He stood up and looked out the window then quickly got back down. The banging started again.
You were right. He said.
Great! Now we're stuck.

To be continued…

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