Chapter 15... Tell The Truth

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(b/n) blinked his eyes a few times. The blurry room clearing up. "Where- where am I?" He asked groggy. "Answer our questions first." You said in a cold, serious tone. "(Y/n)?" He looked up surprised. "Is that you?"
"What do you mean is it me? Of course it's me."
"How long have I been out? Where did you come from?"
"You attack us now you don't remember? Pfft, pathetic (b/n). I'm not falling for this act."
"I'm not acting. I don't remember." You grabbed Chen's hand. "Tell the truth!" You put Chen's hand to his wires and zapped him. "Ah! I am!" He screamed. "I am telling the truth! I don't remember anything after they brought me back!" You clenched your teeth in burning anger. "I don't believe you!" You zapped him again. He screamed. "I don't believe you! I can't believe you! I won't believe you!" You zapped him again.
"(Y/n) stop!" Xiumin pulled you away. "You'll kill him."
"He's supposed to be dead! He's not supposed to be here!"
"You're right I'm not!" He yelled back. "I'm supposed to be dead." He put his head in his hands. "When you killed me I felt all the anger that plagued my heart and soul disappear. I felt like you had finally freed me from the poison that had taken over. I embraced death and felt happy again. Then the feeling disappeared. I heard voices. I opened my eyes to blinding lights and when it finally cleared I saw people with white mask on, surrounding me. I was dead. I know I was so how was I here? I thought. One turned to me and said 'It will all be over soon. Don't worry.' I felt like they were ripping the freedom and happiness right from my hands. I had no control no nothing over my body. Finally after what felt like forever, they stopped. They backed away with blood stained gloves up. I started moving around. They wheeled me to a mirror and tilled me towards. When I saw myself​ I screamed. I was a monster. Wires were in my chest. They were connected to a machine beside me. "What have you done!" I yelled. "What is this!" I grabbed one of them by the throat. He gasped and hit my hand. The others pulled me off of him. They stuck a needle in my arm. My body went numb instantly. 'We
re-created you. You're now faster, stronger and alive. Are you not happy?'
'I wanted to be dead. I was happy before. Why did you do this to me?'
'Because you can help us.' she said. 'we need you to stop those supernatural monsters.'
'You fought them and failed but you won't this time.' when she said that I knew she was talking about you guys. They wanted to take you guys down. They never said why just that you were a threat to humanity and needed to be controlled or dead. I didn't want to do it but I had no choice. While operating on me they installed a mind control device. One they could active anytime. Only way to stop me is to kill me."
"But we didn't have to kill you to make you turn back into yourself. We zapped your wires and you turned normal."
"It might have knocked the device off but that doesn't mean they can't reactivate it. I'll never be free again."
"You will be if we have anything to say about it. I won't lose you again brother."
"The future is not something you can control. You might not have a choice." You walked up to him. "I just have to know why?"
"Why what?" You asked.
"Why didn't you burn my body? You're supposed to burn the body of a werewolf."
"You were human again and we just couldn't do it."
"You should have! I wouldn't be here if you would've​ done it right!"
"We couldn't take it! It hurt so much when we did it to grandma, we couldn't do it to you!"
"I don't care! I don't want to be here, I don't want to be alive!" You kneeled and grabbed his hands. "We didn't know this would happen."
"You burn the body so it doesn't happen." He whispered. "We were wrong and it's our fault you're here."
"It's not your fault completely. I'm sure if I don't come back they're going to look for me. They might be already. You have to let me go."
"I can't. You've told me all this but I- I still don't trust you and- and even if you are telling the truth, I can't lose you again."
"You're going to have to kill me anyway. My time was up here. My end is death (y/n)." He lifts his hands up. "Teleport me back and let me go." You look at Kai. "We'll do it." You say to him. You grab your brother's arm and Kai grabs the other.

To be continued…

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