Chapter 29... Luhan

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I sat up and looked around. Chanyeol slept in the bed over. "Chanyeol wake up." I whispered. He didn't budge. Getting out the bed was hard. My body felt heavy. "What kind of drugs are these?" I mumbled. "Chanyeol get up." Was he dead? I hope he's not dead. I put my finger to his nose. He was breathing. I sighed in relief. "I don't know what's going on Chanyeol. I need you to wake up and talk to me. What is happening? What are we going to do?" I didn't expect a response. "Can I use my power?" I put my hand out and lifted Chanyeol from the bed. I laid him back down. "It's a bit hard but I expected not to be able to do it at all." I walked over to the door and looked out. No one is a round. I closed the door. "We're going to make a break for it okay Chanyeol?" I pulled the blanket off of him. "You may be out right now but I'll wake you up some how." I opened the door with one hand and lifted him with the other. I walked out with him floating behind me. I saw someone's shadow around the corner "Okay back, back." I put him back in the room and closed the door. I prepared myself for who ever was coming around the corner. The person who ran around the corner was "Jongdae?" He Sehun right behind him.
"Luhan! You're here?"
"You're here?"
"Where is here?" Sehun asked.
"I'm guessing the underground lab or whatever (y/n) and Minseok called it."
"Have you found anyone else?" Jongdae asked.
"Who else was taken?" I asked. They shook their heads. "Oh that reminds me." I walked back to the room and opened the door. "I have Chanyeol."
"Good to see him alright." Sehun said.
"Idk if I would say he's completely alright though. He won't wake up." Jongdae dug through his pocket. "Maybe one of these will help." He pulled out an empty needle and and a small bottle filled with yellowish liquid. "What is it?" I asked. He shrugged and read the small label "Used to wake and reverse the effects Wolfsbane."
"Should we?" I asked.
"I don't know if he could get much worse."Sehun said as he took the sleeve of Chanyeol's coat off.
"Just start with a little bit." I said nervous. He nodded and filled the needle a little under halfway. "Hold him down just in case." I put my hands down flat and kept him down as if he was under a heavy weight. He kneeled next to him and injected him. "Ah!" Chanyeol yelled and opened his eyes wide. His pupils shrank. They changed red, yellow, blue and green before finally settling at his natural dark brown. I put my hands down. He sat up quickly, breathing rapidly and frantically looked around.
"It's been awhile." Sehun said with a smile.
"Sehun, Luhan, Jongdae. How long have you guys been here? Are you guys alright?"
"We're fine." I said.
"More or less but we need to go." Jongdae said standing up. "Did you guys save Baek?" Chanyeol asked.
"No. Do you know where he is?" I asked.
"Last I saw him he was hooked up to the machine?"
"What machine?" I asked.
"It's a machine they're going to use to track down our kind." Sehun explained.
"We're obviously not gonna let that happen." I said.
"Yes but once they hook you up to the machine, it takes your powers. Once that's gone it uses your life to power it. They need us for powers and life force." Jongdae said.
"And they need Gabe for his supernatural side."
"What?" Chanyeol and I looked at him confused.
"Come on I'll explain on the way." We crept out the door. When it was all clear we sprinted down the hall. "We were told they needed Gabe because he's a mermaid. Like she said, mermaids are good scavengers. They'll find anything especially things that catch their eyes." We ran left "I'm not 100% sure but if they trap him in that machine it'll use his life force. Scavenging isn't a power. But it is a good skill." We heard footsteps and hid a room. "His sister is a mermaid as well so if they capture both of them, they'll probably use the machine to track down more and as they look for mermaids they'll also kill other supernatural creatures on the way." Jongdae whispered. He peeked out the door once the shadow passed. "We'd be the fuel component and he'd be the tracking component." We walked out stopped at a 3 way hallway.
"Let's hope they have used all of Baekhyun's power yet. Once we get him we have to go."
"But we have to make sure no one else was taken as well." I said. Jongdae cursed under his breath. "You're right."
"Should we split up?" Sehun suggested.
"No we're stronger together." I said.
"Can you guys smell anyone?" We shook our heads. "No all I smell is some kind of plant." Sehun and I agreed with Chanyeol. "Yeah it's not strong but it's still enough to block my sense of smell." I added. "Let's just keep looking for Baekhyun. Hopefully we'll run into someone else on the way." Jongdae said. We agreed and ran on.

To be continued…

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