Chapter 40...Halfway Free

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"What's your plan?" Minseok asked. You smiled
"The machine is down. I broke it earlier."
"Then what are we doing in here?"
"They probably want to keep us here until they get the machine working."
"So what now?" He asked.
"Let me get the members attention." You turned and knocked on the small window. The others looked at you. You put your finger to your head then crossed your fingers together. They all nodded. Your eyes started to glow, the others followed suit.
*Is everyone connected?* You asked.
*Yeah.* They answered
*Do any of you not have power?*
*I don't have any.* Baek answered.
*I don't have much.* Chanyeol answered.
*Jongin can you teleport?* You asked.
*No. I tried already. This thing has something around it that's stopping me.*
*Are they gonna kill us this way?* Tao asked in a panicked voice.
*No. I broke the machine. We should be fine.*
*Are you sure?*
*Yes I am. I have a plan.*
*Share with us.* Kris said.
*I'm gonna blow this place to hell.*
*You mean we.*
*You guys don't have the power I do Kris. I took it all from the machine. I have power of the people who died here flowing through me and they're all screaming at me to do it. I need you guys to find an exist. I can do this. It's not like the fight with my brother or the fight before that with that other wolf pack.*
*Yeah that fight was wild.* Jongdae laughed.
*Maybe for you. You didn't get several of your bones broken by someone that looked just like you.* Kyungsoo said with a bitter tone.
*Well mines was dead.* He replied. *Until (y/n) brought him back.*
*Hey! That was an accident. I thought he was you!*
*Guys! Back on track.* Kris said.
*Right. Don't worry guys. We can't take down the government behind her but taking her and this place down could send them back a bit. It has to.*
*What if it doesn't?*
*It will Chanyeol. I got this. Now I'm gonna break out. Y'all ready?*
*Break out?* Minseok repeated.
*Yep. I got the power.* Like before you kicked the door open. "You again?" Dr. Morg said. "What's your plan now? Whatever it was before didn't work."
"Dog! Get her!" Minseok's sister charged at you.
"Did you just call my sister a dog!" Minseok yelled. He growled and ran at the doctor. You grabbed his sister by the shoulders. "We don't have to fight."
"I wish I didn't have to but I don't have a choice."
"YOU have the the power to control minds. It's YOUR power that they're using. Flip it back on her and control her."
"I've tried."
"I can help you."
"I don't need help." She pushed you off and into a closed pod. "Ugh!" You rubbed your head. She aimed a punch for your face. You ducked and grabbed her by her mid section. Holding on, you pushed her back into a few guards knocking them all down. She stood up. You grabbed her face and touched foreheads with her. "Be strong. You're not a dog, you're a wolf. Wolves lead." She looked you in the eyes. "She's unintentionally given you power over everything. The guards, the machines, the robots. You're too strong for her to control."
"I'm not." She whispered. Your hands started to glow as you fed her power. "Come on now."
Her eyes turned red. "Thank you." She whispered. She turned to the guards. "Open the pods."
"No!" Dr. Morg yelled. She dodged Minseok's punch. He kicked her in the stomach. She gasped. "I stabbed you once. I'll do it again." He said with a smile.
"You got lucky that time. I wasn't prepared for you to have so much control."
"Well you know the saying." He rammed her into the arms of Kyungsoo and Kris. "Always expect the unexpected." They dragged her kicking and screaming to a pod that Luhan closed after they threw her in. She hit on the window "Let me out you filthy dogs!" She yelled.
"We're wolves bitch." You said and locked the pod. She pulled a walkie talkie out of her back pocket. "Release the bots."
Minseok's sister turned to a guard "Get the robots who haven't been trained by Dr. Morg and lead them outside to the testing grounds."
"Right." He ran out the lab.
"Follow me." She led you guys out of the lab and down the hall. "Before you can take this place down we're going to have to fight some bots and free some captured creatures."
"We don't want any innocent lives lost. We're going to spread out." You guys stopped. "I'll link all our minds. A few of you go left, a few go right and the rest of us will keep going forward. They kept everyone close to each other so once you clear a hall, get out. Okay everyone split up." Minseok, his sister, Gabe, Tao and you kept going straight.
Once you freed someone you led them to the group of others that had also been let go.
"Come little guy, your mom's outside." You opened a cage and took a toddler back to his mom. They had while families here. *They meant business when they said they wanted to kill us all.* You thought. "Is that everyone?" Minseok asked. "Yeah that's it." You answered.
"Okay follow me you guys!" Minseok yelled to the crowd. They all piled down the hall merging with the groups of people that the other members had freed. Minseok and his sister opened a pair of double doors. Outside the door was a line bots. "Surrender or die." Your brother said.
"Oh no." You whispered. They had fixed the brainwashing chip. He was under their control again. "No!" She yelled. They bots readied their guns. "Then die."
"Get down!" You yelled.
"Fire!" He yelled. Minseok and his sister pulled the doors closed. People screamed and ducked. You threw your hands out and created a shield with your power. You pushed outward and forced the bots back the bullets stopped. "I need all of you to back up. I need my pack to come forward."
"Time to fight?" Kris asked. You nodded. Chanyeol and Lay closed the doors keeping the innocents safe inside.

To be continued...

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