Chapter 19... Mini Battle

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You held your sword out ready for them. "You think that piece of metal will defeat us?"
"I don't think, I know." You said with a smirk. Fire ignites from your blade. You charge at the robot and slice off its arm. You charge at another and cut off its leg. "Still think you're unstoppable?" You asked.
"Your arrogance will be your down fall." The robot attacks you. He aims for your face but misses. You duck his punch. The robot behind him transforms his hand into a gun. You back flip into the kitchen and behind the counter. He shoots up the kitchen. Luckily you had teleported Kai into his room before they showed up. "One less thing to worry about." You mumble. The bullets weren't stopping, you were stuck. Your sheath slung to your front from your back. You pushed it behind you. It fell back to your front. That's when you noticed its glow. "What's happening?" You mumbled. The wolf on the sheath transformed into a woman, the moon it howled at turned into a sun. You stared shocked, un-sure of what was going on. Then it  stretched out and became a solid metal shield. You dropped it and gasped. "What the hell?" The bullets stopped. You waited a few seconds then peaked your head over the counter. They started shooting again. You ducked. You picked up the shield hesitantly. You held it in front of your face. "God I hope this thing protects against bullets." You rolled to the left holding the shield in place. The bullets hit the shield making a pang sound but it didn't go through it. You stood up and ran towards the robot shooting. You hit him with the shield knocking him off balance then sliced him in half. "You want some too?" You yelled at the robot. He looked at you. A robot grabbed you from behind. You dropped you sword and shield. You tried to shake him off. You teleported him and yourself out of the safe house and outside. Then to Mount Everest and then to the middle of the ocean. The robot started to malfunction.  He electricuted you "Ah!" He pulled you underwater then let go. You tried to swim to the surface but passed out before you could reach it.

To be continued…

The Exo Experiment -Wolf Within Book 2-Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant