Chapter 23... Gabriella Come Back

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"Gabriella. I- I've been looking for you." She didn't respond. "We have people staying at the house with-" Gabriella shot water in the form of a hand at Gabe. She choked him and lifted him up in the air. You jumped up and pulled on his legs trying to pull him back to the ground. Gabe put his arms out. He made walls of sand and slammed them together with Gabriella in the middle of them. You two fell back to the ground. Water burst through the sand. The sand crumbled. "Gabriella what's wrong with you!" Gabe yelled. She rubbed her head. "Look at that on the side of her head." A hunk of metal stuck to her head. "What is it?" He asked. The wires had insterted themselves into her head.  They pulsated like a heart. You thought back to the hole inside in robots chest. Blood still leaked from the holes from the veins as if it was freshly attached.
"It's a heart."
"It's a heart. The heart of the robot that almost killed me."
"But how?"
"I don't know."
"How do we get it off?" He asked. You shrugged.
"Ugh!" Gabriella slung a wave of water at Gabe knocking him into the ocean.
"I'm fine!" You ran at Gabriella.  She threw water at you. You jumped into the air, dodging it. You tackled her knocking her to the ground. She clawed at your face. You punched her in the face then in the throat. She choked and gasped.
"(Y/n)! Turn her this way!" You pulled her to the water. Gabe splashed her with his tail.  The heart short circuited and zapped her. "Ahh!" She screamed and passed out. The heart shriveled up and fell off. Gabe swam back to shore. He ran over and fell to his knee next to Gabriella. "Is she okay?"
"Yeah she's fine."
"God why is this happening."
"Let's just get her back to the house." You said. He picked her up and sighed.


"So she attacked you?" Lay asked. He examined the holes on the side of her head. "She should be dead. There's no way she should have survived this."
"Well she's not really human Lay." You said.
"My sister is a mermaid. She has power over water. My power is over sand."
Xiumin snorted. "Sand control." He mumbled to Kris. The chuckled. "Come Minseok. I would expect Kris to act like this but you too?"
"Tuh, like what?"
"A jealous school girl? You're acting like children."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"You've been acting so cold towards Gabe for God knows what reason. Are you 5 years old? Stop being children and grow up!" You yelled. Xiumin bit his lip. His eyes said sorry but he didn't say a word.
"Mmm." Gabriella groaned but didn't wake up.
"I'm almost done healing her but she might not wake up right away.
"I'm going outside." You walked out without waiting for a reply.

To be continued…

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