chapter 14 Brother O' Brother

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Luhan used his telekinesis to move the sewer cover. You wait and listen for movement. It's silent above you. Kris climbs up then motions for everyone to follow. "No one's back here yet." kris whispers.
"Think again." A familiar voice says. Merging from the white smoke was, "(b/n)?" You asked shocked. Your brother was alive. He wasn't the same though. He was half human, half robot. He had one human arm and one robotic arm. His legs were the same way. Blue and white wires came out of his back and into the side of his head. "Hello (y/n). Are you happy to see me?" He's voice made your heart ache."But you're supposed to be dead." The word sent a pain through your chest.
"I was. But then they revived me. Brought me back and made me new."
"You destoryed me (y/n). You destoryed your own brother."
"You were killing people! You hurt so many people without caring at all. You had no heart."
"I had no soul." He said with a smile "But now I have what I craved the most, power." He transformed his robotic arm into a gun and shot you. Everyone dodged them. "I want a rematch (y/n)! You and me!"
"This is ludicrous!" You yelled. "Kyungsoo shield!" He raised the concrete up to cover you. You and him ran towards your brother blocking the bullets. You hopped over and kicked him in the face then flipped back behind the shield  The bullets stopped. "Pin him!" Concrete straps wrapped over (b/n)'s arms and legs. "This won't hold me (y/n)." He smiled. He tried lifting his arms. The concrete cracked and crumbled. "Guess I'll have to try something else." You mumbled. You stood over him and punched him, knocking him unconscious. "What are we going to do?" Kai asked.
"We're gonna take him with us." Kris said. Everyone turned and looked at him.
"Are you nuts?" Luhan asked.
"We don't have a choice and besides, we might be able to use him." You explained.
"He probably can give us information about them." Kris said. "We need to bind him though." He thought for a second. "I'll make cuffs out of concrete." Kyungsoo suggested.
"Actually I might be able to short circuit the wires from his head to his…" Jongdae trailed off. Unsure where exactly the wires led. He reached for the wires. "Just-" you hesitated while reaching for his hand. He looked at you "just be careful. We don't want to kill him… again" he nods. He lightly touches the wires. They sizzle then go dark. You listen to his heartbeat. It stays steady. "Okay Kyungsoo make the cuffs and then let's go."

To be continued…

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