Chapter 26...7

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You woke in a daze, ears ringing. You could hear a faint sound. You stood up and leaned against the wall for support. You walked out the room into the hall. "Let go!" You heard someone yell. You stumbled into the doorway of the living room before falling down. You looked up at the blurry figures. Luhan and Sehun and Chen were being carried out the front door. "(y/n)!" Tao yelled reaching for you. You reached for him but couldn't get up. "No. Please don't take them." You mumbled. You propt yourself up on your arm. The robot holding him punched him in the back. Tao gasped then went limp. A stream blood poured from his mouth. "Damn it!" You growled. You forced yourself up. You blinked clearing your vision. You ran and jumped on the back of the robot holding Tao. He flung you off on to a coffee table. The glass coffee table shattered. Your back stung. "The Wolfsbane weakens you. You'll be next." The robot said. You growled again. "No!" You stood up "Xiumin! Kris! Wake up!"
"No one will wake with the Wolfsbane blowing threw the air system." He kicked you in the chin. You fell back on top of the glass shards. Your surroundings grew dark. You shook it off. "You can't have them!" You used the last of your strength to kick the robot in the back. He fell forward. You caught Tao who slipped off the robot and fell on top of you. Gabe ran out his room. "Gabe! Help me!" You yelled. He  started to run to you "Wait! No, go back! They'll get you. Turn off the air conditioning, it's weakening everyone." The robots turned and looked at him
"Gabriel Matsya we have been looking for you. We will take you as well as the unconscious animal."
"No!" Gabe dragged Tao to the back. You stood up. A robot knocked Gabe away and grabbed Tao. Growling you shifted to your second wolf form. "You can't have them!" You roared.

*The three forms. The first is this, your instincts and senses are still raw and very sensitive. Attacking in this stage is great if you want need to feel everything around also great for hunting and escaping. your eyes turn red, you grow short but strong claws and though your teeth are still small, they have the strength to pull flesh from a person's body." Xiumin whispered. Ew you thought to yourself.
"Form two is when you become a beast. Furry body, big teeth, claws and super strength like in those werewolf movies." Kai said.
"And form three is when you become a wolf." You said.*
Black tail grew from your back side. Canines hung out your mouth as they doubled in size. You grew claws and black fur across your body.
You grabbed the robot by the head. "How did you over take the Wolfsbane?" The robot asked.
"I'm a born alpha." You ripped it's head off and tossed it behind you. The other robots carrying the members had already left.  Few stood behind to stop you. You punch a whole through the chest of one ripping out it's "heart" and ripped the arm off another. With that arm you activated the gun and shot up the 2 robots behind it. You knocked the one arm robot down and then ripped it's head off too. You walked out side and roared. The robots with your friends stood with guns to their heads. "Stand down or we kill them." The female doctor from the lab said. She stepped from behind a robot, hands behind her back. An evil smirk played cross her lips.
"Don't!" You yelled.
"Stand down beast!" She pointed a taser at you. You shrunk back down to your human form. "Don't hurt them."
"Oh I plan to." She laughed. You stood up ready to attack. She tased you. You screamed and fell down. "You think you can stop us beast but you can't. We were formed to wipe out your kind and every supernatural kind on earth. We will not rest until every last supernatural creature is hunted down and killed. You may have stopped a war when you killed your brother but while you fought him another war was brewing. One that was going to do more damage then your brother could ever dream of. He wanted revenge, we want an end."
"You can't kill us all."
"Don't worry. We'll keep a few of you. We need test subjects like yourselves. You can with stand more pain and torture than any human can. That will be handy for the tests we have to run." She laughed. "Hm… Even with the Wolfsbane you managed to shift forms. I think it's time we take you in."
"Not today." Kai said. He put his hand on your shoulder and teleported you all away.

To be continued…

The Exo Experiment -Wolf Within Book 2-Where stories live. Discover now