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8. Written in the Stars (Season 5, Episode 3)

So many wonderful things in this episode. Luke and Lorelai's first official date is a milestone for the show and for Luke and Lorelai fans everywhere and is a delight to watch. It's also our first introduction to Logan, a controversial character, but a favorite of mine. To round out the number of entertaining things going on in this episode, Paris holds a wake for her dead professor boyfriend and is totally oblivious to the fact that no one knows that they are attending a funeral. Full of plot progressing firsts and absolute hilarity, this episode is one that should be watched over and over.

High points: The horoscope, our introduction to Luke's "Luke's", Taylor's town meeting to discuss the pros and cons of Lorelai and Luke's relationship

Low points: Emily's desperation to be out and about like Richard, the first awkward Friday night dinner after the separation where drinks are served in the pool house

Best quote: "Lorelai, this thing we're doing here, me, you- I just want you to know I'm in. I am all in."- Luke

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