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26. Kiss and Tell (Season 1, Episode 7)

Early in the show, the writers take great pains to make it known that Rory and Lorelai's relationship is not that of a typical mother and daughter, Often, they seem closer to best friends than parent and child, which is, after all, what makes the show work. Still it's nice to see a rare moment like this when Lorelai acts like a mother. We occasionally get a disciplinary mother speech, like when Rory says she's not going to Chilton or when she sleeps with Dean. But here we simply see her meddling in her daughter's love life, embarrassing her the way mothers often do. It's a refreshing change for them and shows a different side to their relationship. This episode also lets us see the development of Dean and Rory's relationship, which was quite entertaining in the early years, never proved so easily as with the cornstarch incident.

High points: Rory and Dean's first kiss, Lorelai's mother speech to Dean

Low points: It seems rather out of character and, again, selfish for Rory to not tell Lorelai about the kiss.

Best quote: "I got kissed! And I... I shoplifted!"- Rory

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