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75. The Incredible Sinking Lorelais (Season 4, episode 14)

This episode is annoying because Lorelai and Rory have such different plots going on. Lorelai is having serious problems. She's so close to achieving her dream of opening her own inn, but she's running out of money fast. She's forced to asked Luke for a loan. Embarrassed by her lack of money and overwhelmed by her stress and lack of time, she breaks down in front of Luke. It's heartbreaking to watch how much Lorelai wants this and how stressed she is becoming in trying to get it. In the parallel plot, Rory is less understandable. The first time she is faced with a difficult challenge, Rory falls apart. She has to drop a class, which is apparently the end of the world. Then, to make matters worse, she confides in Dean of all people, who is still married.

High points: Lorelai's story line is compelling and entertaining.

Low points: Rory is terrible. Always.

Best quote: "Anyone lose a car cover? Anyone? Anyone?"- Paris

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