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80. The Hobbit, the Sofa, and Digger Stiles (Season 4, episode 3)

Lorelai and Sookie throw a hobbit themed party for some kids, and Sookie freaks out that she's not going to be a good parent because she served kids green mac and cheese and carrots that taste like diapers. Emily furnishes Rory's dorm without permission and Richard goes into business with his ex-boss's son, Jason.

High points: Sookie's freak out is entertaining.

Low points: It's the introduction to Jason, who I don't find as annoying as everyone else, but he's clearly a way to keep Lorelai and Luke apart, which bugs me. And the twins that Emily sends to befriend Rory are truly annoying.

Best quote: "You know what happens when kids don't like you? They tie you to a chair. They brain you with a bat. They set fire to the house and blame it on the neighbors."- Sookie

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