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81. Kill Me Now (Season 1, episode 3)

This is the first episode to put Richard in a starring role. While it is a good introduction to his character and shows him falling for his granddaughter, the episode itself falls a little flat. The secondary plot of Lorelai dealing with the stress of a wedding at the inn is mildly funny and the first real insight we get into what she does and how well she does it. It's not a bad episode, it's just a bit dull. We're willing to give them a bit of a pass because it's the beginning of the show, but thankfully it picked up later.

High points: Proves that Richard can really shine as a character, Michel and the swans.

Low points: It's not bad, but at this point, we're getting to the really good episodes. And in a show with a shocking amount of rewatchability, I never sit and think to myself "You know, what I'd really like to watch right now is Kill Me Now."

Best quote: "What's with the hat?"- Lorelai

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