Chapter Forty

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  "What?!" I exclaimed, jumping up from the chair. A wave of dizziness hit me and Ms. Darby forced me back down, but my gaze on the medic never wavered.

  Ratchet didn't move, his eyes still on the key card, and I could see slight horror in his eyes.

  "Ratchet," I pleaded. "What do you mean Optimus doesn't plan on coming back?"

  He looked away. "That key card allows access to Vector Sigma, where the collective wisdom of the Primes is kept in case the Matrix of Leadership were to become damaged or destroyed."

  My heart pounding filled my ears. "What- Optimus is going to damage the matrix to stop Unicron? How does that mean he's not coming back? He's just holding the matrix."

  "It is a part of him now," The medic said. "He can't simply walk away from it, it has become part of the Autobot we know today. Should the matrix sustain any damage..."

  "It would hurt Optimus too. He gave us the key card to recover the information and pass it on." I finished in fear. I dimly noticed Finn put a hand on my shoulder in a comforting manner, but there was no way I'd be comforted after learning this. "No. That can't be right. Optimus- He wouldn't-"

  But he would. He always put others before himself. Even when his life was the one in danger, he didn't allow anyone to place themselves between him and the danger.

  Dammit, Optimus, why are you so selfless?

  "He has not changed."

  I was so distraught I didn't even pay attention to the woman's voice I heard. Maybe it was selfish of me to think that, but I hated how the Prime would go to such lengths to save people. Or maybe I just hated the fact that I couldn't do anything as another person I cared for di-

  No. Stop. He can't leave. He can't.

  Then a flash hit me, strong and bright as the previous ones.

  Optimus stood in a chamber lit by a massive purple orb in the centre. Unicron's spark.

  "Matrix of Leadership!" The Prime's voice boomed with authority. "I call upon you!"

  A growl filled the chamber. "You cannot defeat me, disciple of Primus! I have transcended physical being! By my will alone, all upon this world shall fall into chaos!"

  "Not while I still function, Unicron." Optimus said firmly, the gears in his chest moving and shifting. "The power of Primus and Cleona within the matrix will light our darkest hour!"

  His chest opened to reveal a smaller blue orb encased in a glowing silver metal, which sent a blue blast towards Unicron's spark. The light caused by the impact became blinding, filling the entire chamber, along with Unicron's cries of protest.


  Gasping, I returned to the moment, feeling the pain in my mind finally receded for the first time since this Unicron stuff started. The others were looking at me expectantly and I caught my breath before speaking.

  "He did it." I said. "Unicron won't be awakening anytime soon."

  "Yes!" Miko exclaimed and cheers filled the air. A smile made its way on my face too, even though I knew the cost. Still, it didn't feel like Optimus was gone.

  "Their signals are online again," Ratchet said in relief. "Opening ground bridge now."

  The ground bridge opened and we all raced down the stairs to meet the Autobots. Ms. Darby gave me a look that said no running, so I followed behind them walking. Finn waited up next to me and I shot him a thankful smile.

  Arcee walked through first, followed by Bulkhead and Bumblebee. Jack, Miko, and Raf all raced up to their Bots.


  "I was worried, Bulk!"

  "You alright Bee?"

  The fear from before trickled into me, filling me with dread as no one else walked through the ground bridge. "Where's Optimus? Is he..." I couldn't finish.

  Arcee turned her attention to me, shaking her head. "Dead? No. But he looked right at us without recognizing us."

  "He didn't even know his own name!" Bulkhead added.

  I stepped back shakily, unsure of how to react to that. Optimus was alive but he-

  "It seems that when Optimus surrendered the Matrix of Leadership," Ratchet said, thinking out loud. "He lost more than the collective wisdom of the Primes. He lost his own memories."


  Megatron strode through the Decepticon warship, reaching the helm of his ship.

  "Welcome back, Lord Megatron!" Knockout said, bowing slightly for his leader. Breakdown, who was standing next to his friend, did the same, before tensing when he saw who was trailing the Decepticon leader.

  "At ease, Breakdown," Megatron smirked at the Con's reaction. "That is no way to welcome our long lost comrade." He turned, looking at the Cybertronian behind him, trying not to laugh at the blank expression on his face. "Orion Pax, is one of us."

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