Chapter Thirty-Three

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The next chapter on the next day, as promised!

January 9th

  Anemone gave me a scare today. She ran up to me and showed me her hands covered in the magic. I know C told me that she would be different, would gain her powers early, but I didn't think so early. She's only seven, I didn't get mine until I was sixteen. Though today it was harmless, I'm afraid she may become more powerful before she learns how to control it.

  It doesn't help that MECH popped back online today, adding them back to my ever growing list of problems. They stole a fission reactor from a military lab in Denver, but didn't take any uranium with it. That rules out the possibility of creating/using a nuclear reactor, but their goal is still unknown. I'll have to look into that after I check up on the Autobots tomorrow.

  Speaking of which, I need to remember to ask Ratchet about the old myths of Cybertron. If I can get to the reason why Anemone is different, why she's getting her powers now, then maybe I can try to prevent her from getting any stronger for now, at least until she learns to control it. C has stopped talking to me, disappearing as she usually does, so I'm on my own now.

  Sometimes I wonder if it'd be easier if I just told the Autobots the situation I'm in, the one I dragged Anemone into. These myths and legends are from their planet, they'd know how to deal with it. At least Optimus would, he seems to know everything there is to know about C. Unfortunately, her orders were clear; I'm not to tell any of the Autobots about her existence around them. She said I had to wait until the right time, or else the balance would be overthrown. Truthfully, I don't know exactly what she's talking about, but this is the only thing she enforces on me, so I don't want to push my luck, not yet at least.

April 15th

  Here I thought that little burst of power from before was a mistake. Anemone accidentally blasted a hole through her tablet when it lagged, tearing right through it. It even took Dahlia a while and practice to do that. I assured Anemone that it was just a mistake and that it was nothing, hoping that she would forget about it, but that was too close. If she keeps having outbursts like this, it won't be long before someone's head turns towards us.

  Even though I've done my best to cut us off, there are still enough people around us to hide this from. Fowler for one, though I doubt he'd tell anyone if he ever saw it. And the people at BeckIT. I'm trying my best to keep my grandfather's company going, but it's getting harder. I work at home now most of the time, and that's when I get time to actually work. I feel bad for having the department directors do most of the work and me just approve, but there's nothing else I can do.

  I've tried to contact C again. I did everything right; the charm, the candle, all of it, but she didn't show up. I don't know what she could be doing, she is a dead spirit after all. She used to answer my callings, I never even had to do the ritual after the first time until now. Something bigger is at play, something bad.

July 23rd

  The Autobots are fretting again and so are my superiors. The Decepticons are reassembling after falling apart last year, which is bad news for all of us. The plan is to hit them while they're still in disarray, but there are too many flaws. For now, all we can do is wait for more information before launching an attack.

  As though that wasn't bad enough, Anemone is having more and more frequent power surges. Last week, her eyes had streaks of glowing silver in them. The day after, she walked downstairs and left silver footprints behind her. Luckily she didn't see any of this, but she's noticing that weird things are happening when she interacts with metals sometimes. She left a charred hand print in the Audi (the R8 - get that repaired) two days ago, but didn't feel her hand warm up that much. I'm afraid everything I've taught her about deduction and being aware may be playing against me. She isn't stupid, not even for a seven year old, and she won't stay blind to this forever. I need someway to stop it, put a pause on her powers. I'll have to try to contact C again and, if that doesn't work, I'll have to keep trying. She's the only one who can tell me how to do this.

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