Chapter Fourteen

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Episode 6 - Masters and Students


  With my earbuds in, music up loud, and hair tied in a messy bun, I sat on the floor of the base, working on my project for the science fair tomorrow at school. The base was calm and quiet, probably because since Megatron's death three days ago there has been no Decepticon activity at all. Since Jack, Miko, Raf, and I were under constant protection from the Autobots, we couldn't work on our science projects anywhere but at the base. Raf was working on his model volcano with Bumblebee, who tried to grasp what exactly a volcano was. Jack was building a motorcycle with Arcee, and Miko was working on a model of the solar system with Bulkhead. I was working on creating a homemade solar panel to power a small motorized car, but it wasn't working exactly the way I wanted it. Still, I was glad for a little peace and for the distractions.


  A massive explosion shook the base, causing me to whip around and pull out my earbuds, only to be met by a cloud of smoke.

  "Decepticons!" I heard Ratchet yell and then the sound of heavy footsteps. "We're under attack!"

  The smoke cleared and Raf coughed, shaking his head. "It's no attack, Ratchet. It's my volcano. Or was." He pointed to the model that had melted under the pressure of the explosion.

  "Hold still, Bulkhead," Miko's voice made me turn to see Bulkhead holding up her model of the solar system. "Jupiter still needs its red spot." Her paints dripped onto the floor. "Whoopsie."

  "What in the Allspark is going on in here?!" Ratchet demanded, looking a little freaked out. A small smile made its way on my face, as Ratchet's freak-outs were usually pretty entertaining. I turned back to my solar powered car, just as the circuits started overloading and sparking. Grabbing the panel, I quickly disconnected it, but saw that the wiring was fried. A sigh escaped my mouth. Great, now I'd have to rewire the entire thing all over again.

  "Our projects are due tomorrow," Jack told Ratchet.

  "Maybe it needs one of these doohickeys," Arcee said and I saw her hold up a pipe.

  "You're a motorcycle, Arcee," Jack commented. "Shouldn't you know how to build a motorcycle engine?"

  "You're a human Jack. Can you build me a small intestine?" Arcee shot back.

  I returned my focus to my project. Where was I supposed to find new wires? I heard metal footsteps approach me and then saw someone handing me some new wires. Looking up, I saw Optimus kneeling in front of me, his hand outstretched with wires that seemed so small in his hand.

  "Thanks," I took the wires and shot him a grin. Optimus, who wasn't one for showing his emotions, gave me a half smile, which was good enough for me.

  "Well, you can't work on these projects in here!" Ratchet exclaimed, clearly still miffed. "You're making a mess!"

  "But the science fair's a big part of our grade," Raf argued.

  "Yeah!" Miko chimed in. "If Bulkhead doesn't help me finish this model of our solar system-"

  "Oh?" Ratchet cut her off. "And what does Bulkhead know of your solar system? Or Bumblebee of your volcanos, or-"

  "Arcee of our motorcycles?" Jack guessed.

  "Precisely!" Ratchet continued. "We're not earthlings! And they're not scientists."

  The whole base had gone silent, until Optimus stood and spoke up.

  "But we are their guardians, Ratchet," The lead Autobot said. "Would it hurt to learn more of Earth by helping our young friends with their schoolwork?"

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