Chapter Five

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  I crossed my arms, sticking near the back of the group as Optimus kept talking. I watched as the other three took in what the lead Autobot was saying and how they were slowly getting more and more drawn towards the Autobots. But I wouldn't do that. I couldn't.

  "And since you now know of our existence, I fear as of last night and this morning," Optimus glanced at me but I kept my gaze cold. "The Decepticons know of yours."

  I rolled my eyes. "Got it. If we spot any strange vehicles, call 911. Can we go now?"

  Miko spun on me, her eyes narrowed. "Are you insane? I'm living a dream here in Botswana and I will not allow you or anyone else shatter it!"

  "It's best that you four remain under our watch," Optimus cut in before I could snap back at Miko. "At least until we can determine our enemies' intentions."

  "Oh please," I said, crossing my arms. "I'm sure my security system can keep me safer than some robot-fight club with a bunch of giant Autobots."

  Optimus Prime looked like he was going to reply to me when another voice cut him off.

  "Optimus," The orange-white Autobot named Ratchet scoffed. "With all due respect, the human children are in as much danger here as anywhere!"

  "Children?!" Jack asked incredulously. I sighed, wondering how long it would take to slip out of here. I didn't need any of this bs. I already had enough to worry about, like how to stay under the radar and out of the foster care system.

  "They have no protective shell," Ratchet continued. "If they go underfoot they will go squish!"

  I held back a brisk laugh and watched as Optimus took this in.

  "Then, for the time being Ratchet," The lead Autobot said. "We must watch where we step."

  This was so stupid. None of these Autobots could protect me better than I could protect myself. My mom trained me in almost every type of martial arts by the time I was twelve. My security system is as good as the security system at the Pentagon. I didn't need any of this.

  A loud beeping noise startled me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see the three large computer screens flashing red before Ratchet clicked a few buttons to turn them off.

  "What's that?" Jack asked, looking a little worried.

  "Proximity sensor," Arcee explained. "Someone's on top."

  Ratchet didn't look up from the computer. "It's Agent Fowler."

  My stomach dropped at the name and I paled. "I- I thought we were the only humans who know about you guys."

  "Special Agent Fowler is our designated liaison to the outside world, as he tends to visit only when there are issues," Optimus explained. "It may be best if you do not meet him at this time."

  Jack, Miko, Raf and I got the idea and moved to hide behind a wall that would block us from sight as long as Agent Fowler didn't look around the wall. I drew in a shaky breath and tried not to look too startled. Of course it was Fowler. Why shouldn't it be?

  Jack gave me a questioning look, which I returned with a glare, before a voice cut through the tense silence.

  "Seven wrecks, thirty-four fender benders, a three hour traffic jam, and on a particular note, numerous reports of a speeding motorcycle of unknown make and a black and yellow custom muscle car!" Agent Fowler's voice rang out, bringing back the memories I had of him. I shook that out of my head and tried to focus. "So, anything you care to get off your tin chassis, Prime?"

Scars Don't Heal - Transformers Prime (1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن